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New Stevo Auto-Tiles

Edit: Do you think the graphics clash?


Working on tilesets to go with Stevo's style.

I'm going for the stony roads they used to have in industrial areas about 50 years ago, but can't really get one down on sprites. Ideas and reference images would be welcome. Below are two attempts to make one. I think the first one turned out pretty well for some sort of cobble-stone road, and the second, I dunno. It doesn't look too good. Maybe as a sidewalk?


It looks nice, but it doesn't look like stevo's work at all ^_^

My version absolutely doesn't look like stevo's neither, but it should be usuable with the RTP... though it doesn't matches the style :P


Apply this over the default grass tile...

EDIT: This happens if you don't test it *lol* The shadow is messed up ^_^ Well, but I guess you got the point ;)
@neo: Well, I spend ten seconds in Photoshop ^_^

@Twin: I meant that the shadows are messed up in my version... to be exact, in the upper-right corner ;)
Cobble stone road? Well I think what's the problem you are seeing isn't the actual graphics. They fit very well with the style that's there. But it may be more of a problem of proportion. Either the side walk is WAY too big or your cobble stones are too small. What character graphics are you going to use? RTP smaller sized or bigger ones? Because if you use rtp sized everything is far too large but the cobblestone. If you are using the larger templates then everything is correct sizing but the stones.

Try making the stones larger in shape or making everthing else smaller and see how that turns out. Cobblestones are larger than what you migh think. :) Try messing with the second one a little more because I think that's more of the size you should be aiming if you are using bigger graphics.
Actually, I'm using RTP. The forest tileset was aimed at Half-Kaizer, though I don't think they're that much too large. I was just putting them in there because I didn't draw any objects to go with the cobblestone and sidewalk yet.

According to every image on google (Example) I got the size of the cobblestones about right for RTP size. A bit smaller, perhaps, but then it would be so small it would show up confusing.
Cobblestones are about the size of a foot. But you're right about going too small gets confusing. If that's the case with the RTP I still think your sidewalks are too big. I mean they're no more than three steps wide and that thing looks monsterous compared to the little sprite, IMO. In that picture the character just looks a little shrunken to me. *Shrugs*
Maybe stevo will find a porportionally sound autotile one day and trace it since doing original things by hand is pass'e now.

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