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New look for Scripts Forums

Howdy Folks,

In order to improve your forum hopping experience here on .org, (and to make things easier on us :scruff:), we have re-arranged the Script (RGSS / RGSS2) related forums a bit.
The RGSS Support forum has been relocated as a sub-forum of the main Scripts forum.
We have added a Script Archive forum to help us clean up the main Scripts forum.
And the 'coup de gras', the Scripts forum (formerly Script Analysis), is now a 'by approval' only forum.
To submit a script to the main Script forum, simply post a New Topic, and it will be approved by one of your friendly moderators. Please be patient.

It is our hopes that this will prevent poorly documented scripts, and unsupported scripts from clogging up the forum, and make useful, supported scripts easier to find.

We will be working diligently to clean up the main Scripts forum, and move all of the orphaned & unsupported scripts to Script Archive. Please bear with us.

Stop in & check out the new layout, and look around.

The new layout:

Scripts - for completed, working, tested, documented Scripts. Topics are 'by approval' only. You can still post in existing topics.
  • Script Requests - Ask someone to make, edit, debug, merge, or help find a script for you.
    Script Support - Ask for help with scripting. This forum is for scripters, and those who are learning / want to learn RGSS / RGSS2.
    Script Archive - This is where all of the orphaned & no longer scripts go. A good place to search before making a request.

Be Well



:blank: (in a "whoa, that's something I'm going to need to get used to!" kind of way.) I mean, I'll get used to it eventually, but I found this to be a bit surprising. :P



Hello everyone I'm Marvin the Script Robot. God that's so depressing, brain the size of a planet, and they have me sort and post completed scripts for teenage kids to use in their awful video games. Anyway whenever you get to releasing your debugged and fully documented script pm it to the script moderators and their trusted scripting associates and they'll disturb my sleep to post your precious bits of rgss.
I said, "we.." :scruff:

To set the record straight, "We" consists of me, Killface, Etheon, Dargor, SephirothSpawn, et.al.
and, of course, the day would not be nearly as bright without Marvin. What a ray of sunshine!

Be Well
The problem I'm having with this is if any new scripter who makes a low quality script, that doesn't make the mainstream script forum. They're the people who need help most, and will get even less attention (I mean, who would really want to look through a forum of crap scripts?).
It's like Concept Development all over again.
KroP, thanks for the feed back. We did take the 'new developer' in consideration...

the key word in your statement is, "help."

If you are developing a script and need help, that's what the support forum is for. Your topic should get MORE attention in support. Most of the experienced programmers around here enjoy helping people with a genuine desire to learn.

The idea of cleaning up "Scripts", the top level forum, is for people who are looking for a script for their game. In the absence of a download manager, or scripts gallery we made the choice to store complete, documented, relatively bug free scripts that are SUPPORTED in the main Scripts forum.
There are/were a LOT of topics in Scripts Analysis that either had no documentation, broken links, were posted by members who are long gone, or were just a big mess & mostly useless. Rather than delete them we moved them to Scripts Archive.
We are still in the process of this cleanup effort, and will be moving all script topics that don't meet the standard to Archive, and/or bringing the popular scripts up to standard. We will also promote scripts from Archive back the the main topic "on demand". As people find scripts in the archive they are interested in, we will update the topic or get the original poster to update it & then move it.

The fact that we have to use PM to submit was due to an oversight on our (my) part. I thought we could use the built in "Approval" system for members to submit their scripts. turns out if we set the forum to "Approve Topics", it also sets it to "Approve Posts", meaning we would have to review & approve every post made in a topic. So we chose to use PM, and have Marvin help us out with posting topics to the main forum.

Archive isn't all crap. There are some useful 'gems' in there if you're willing to hunt for them. No different from when they were all in Script Analysis.

The next thing to consider, and we did, is when the main website is in place we will have a place to put 'released' scripts. At that time we'll have to re-evaluate the Scripts forum & it's purpose / functionality.

Sostice, if you're working on a script & are asking for help and/or feedback it's ok to post your script thread in support. If you finish the script & would like to submit it to Scripts, check the rules to make sure it's properly documented, & PM a moderator or Marvin to move it to "Scripts". No worries, mate!

Carry on! :scruff:
:applause: Thank you, Soph!

I've updated this topic, the Scripts rules, and added an announcement to that forum.
Hopefully, this will keep the confusion to a minimum.

Thank you all for your patience.

Be Well

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