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New Attribute/System: Merchantile

Merchantile is an attribute that effects shop prices for buying and selling, things available in the shops, the chance for rare item drops from treasure boxes and enemies, amount of gold received, and maximum item limit.

For each actor/class, there would be different items/weapons/armors that appear in the shops once the character has enough merchantile.

Each actor or class would have a different item limit to start with. Class id 1's item limit to hold is 15 while class id 2 can hold 20 items to start with. And the limit changes when merchantile goes up. Also, each class has a different merchantile rate when they level up.

Each actor/class's merchantile contributes to the shops such as this:

Class id 1 has 35 merchantile, there is a bronze sword. bronze armor in the shop, but if class id 2 has 35 merchantile, there is also a bronze spear in the shop.

class id 1 has 45 merchantile, the items prices go down by 10G, and for class id 2, with 45 merchantile, the items prices go down by 15G.

As well as shops, merchantile would affect rare item drops.

If class id 1 has 50 merchantile, the enemies would have a 10% chance of dropping an Iron Sword, but class id 2, with the same amount of merchantile would have a 20% chance of getting bronze armor and an iron sword.

In a treasure box, the percentages for items would be different as well.
item ids: 1, 2, 3 and chances for them(in %) for actor 1 would be 50,10,40 and for actor 2, the chances would be 40,40,20.

Because all of the actors/classes have individual bags, there could be a 10% chance for one actor to receive an item while there would be a 5% chance for everyone else.

Equippable items will only show in the equip menu if they are in the specified actor's bag.

Raising Merchantile and being in debt
Merchantile would be raised using merchantile potential(Me. P) which is an economically based system that judges how much gold you spend on items, what items you spend the gold on, as well as selling them, and making money before you level up. A debt comes when you spend more money than you have. If you have 0 gold, you can keep getting things from the shop, it will just show that you are getting to be in debt(negative gold). To pay it back, everytime you sell an item, it just adds gold to the shop until you aren't in debt anymore.

You start with 0 gold, but earn 100 gold from an enemy for each person. If you don't spend any of the gold you received, each person would receive 2 merchantile when they level up. If any actor spends 25% of their 100 gold, they will only receive 1 merchantile point at level up, unless affected by actor/class merchantile bonuses.

EX. 2
You are at level 3, with 1500 gold, and you have no items in any actor's item pockets. You get -2 merchantile because you don't have enough potions present to keep your party well, but gain 1 merchantile for having over 1000 gold at level 3. So your total merchantile gain at level 4 would be -1 points.

You have no money and just bought a ton of potions and are at level 4. You gain 2 merchantile points for having the potions, but lose 2 points for not meeting the 3000 gold mark. You find an iron sword that will sell for only 1000 gold at your merchantile level, which is 1, but would sell for 1200 if the merchantile level was 2. You sell your iron sword for the 1000, and you gain 1 merchantile point because now you have a third of what you were supposed to have by the next level up.

This system is extremely complex, but would be a great asset for anyone who wants individual item bags with (rich or not rich people), and a developed economic system. There are always those princesses or princes in RPG's that may have a lot more than the others.

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