yeah first of all I have a new AntiLag Script, which uses an improved version of Nears Event AntiLag Script (it aliases everything for example and its faster) and some new things.. all features are written down in the script..
the effect of the smoother antilag can be seen on the second map..
ok.. the second thing.. I think many people had the problem that the player hangs when a script command was used in an Event and the last line ended with an "false".. RGSS does something wrong there..
this small script prevents that error..
you can find the script here:
*klick* (just klick on "Scripts")
if you find bugs or other things to improve, please tell me.. normally the script should be fully compatible to everything..
EDIT: Chaosg1 just told me that the Smooth AntiLag in the demo does not work unless the script command fix is deleted.. I dont know why it works fine on my computer, but if you have the same problem like him, please tell me..
# ** AntiLag Script
# f0tz!baerchen
# 0.71
# 06.01.2007
# Credits:
# Chaosg1 (for testing ;) )
# NearFantastica (for the Event AntiLag I used and improved)
# Features:
# - Event AntiLag: Event (and their Sprites) which are not on the screen are
# not updated except they run on "Autostart" or "Parallel Process" or they
# have an empty comment in the first line
# - High Priority: Game can be run on high priority
# - Smooth Antilag: the Event AntiLag does only work fine if the events are
# distributed over the whole map, but when there are many events at the same
# place it lags again. If the script notices that the CPU utilization
# gets higher than $antilag.max_cpu_utilization it will slow down the game and
# reduce the framerate as long as needed.
# Settings:
# can be changed anytime during the game. They are found at the end of the
# script.
# * SDK Log Script
SDK.log('AntiLag', 'f0tz!baerchen', 0.71, '06.01.07')
# Begin SDK Enabled Check
if SDK.state('AntiLag') == true
# Class for Antilag Settings
class Antilag_Settings
attr_accessor :event
attr_accessor :max_cpu_utilization
attr_accessor :cpu_tolerance
# initializes default settings
def initialize
@event = true
@high_priority = true
@max_cpu_utilization = 100
@cpu_tolerance = 20
@SetPriorityClass = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'SetPriorityClass',
['p', 'i'], 'i')
@GetProcessTimes = Win32API.new('kernel32', 'GetProcessTimes',
['i','p','p','p','p'], 'i')
# turns high priority on/off
def high_priority=(value)
@high_priority = value
if @high_priority
@SetPriorityClass.call(-1, 0x00000080) # High Priority
@SetPriorityClass.call(-1, 0x00000020) # Normal Priority
# returns the current CPU Utilization
def get_cpu_utilization
# uses API Call to get the Kernel and User Time
creation_time = '0' * 10
exit_time = '0' * 10
kernel_time = '0' * 10
user_time = '0' * 10
@GetProcessTimes.call(-1, creation_time, exit_time, kernel_time, user_time)
# converts times into integer (in 100ns)
kernel_time = kernel_time.unpack('l2')
user_time = user_time.unpack('l2')
kernel_time = kernel_time[0] + kernel_time[1]
user_time = user_time[0] + user_time[1]
# takes differences to calculate cpu utilization
if @old_time != nil
timer_difference = Time.new - @old_timer
time_difference = kernel_time + user_time - @old_time
result = time_difference / timer_difference / 100000
result = $antilag.max_cpu_utilization
# saves values (to calculate the differences, s.a.)
@old_timer = Time.new
@old_time = kernel_time + user_time
return result
$antilag = Antilag_Settings.new
# Scene_Map class
class Scene_Map
# update method, smooth antilag has been added
alias f0tzis_anti_lag_scene_map_update update
def update
if Graphics.frame_count % 20 == 0 and $antilag.max_cpu_utilization <= 100
# calculates difference between max utilization and current utilization
abs = $antilag.max_cpu_utilization - $antilag.get_cpu_utilization
# changes Frame Rate if difference is bigger than the tolerance
if abs.abs >= $antilag.max_cpu_utilization * $antilag.cpu_tolerance/100.0
Graphics.frame_rate = [[10, Graphics.frame_rate + abs / 2].max, 40].min
# Game_Event Class
class Game_Event
# for AntiLag, decides, if an event is on the screen or not.
def in_range?
# returns true if $event_antilag is false or the event is an
# Autostart/Parallel Process event or it has an empty
# comment in the first line
if not $antilag.event or (@trigger == 3 or @trigger == 4 or
(@list != nil and @list[0].code == 108 and @list[0].parameters == ['']))
return true
screne_x = $game_map.display_x
screne_x -= 256
screne_y = $game_map.display_y
screne_y -= 256
screne_width = $game_map.display_x
screne_width += 2816
screne_height = $game_map.display_y
screne_height += 2176
return false if @real_x <= screne_x
return false if @real_x >= screne_width
return false if @real_y <= screne_y
return false if @real_y >= screne_height
return true
# update method
alias f0tzis_anti_lag_game_event_update update
def update
return if not self.in_range?
# Sprite_Character Class
class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite
# update method, parameters added for Loop_Map, rebuild for 8dirs
alias f0tzis_anti_lag_sprite_char_update update
def update
return if @character.is_a?(Game_Event) and not @character.in_range?
# Settings
$antilag.max_cpu_utilization = 70 # the maximum CPU utilization, the script
# try to stay under this value during changing
# changing the frame rate. The lower this
# value the higher will be the lag reduction
# (and the smoothness, too), a value > 100
# will disable this feature completely
$antilag.cpu_tolerance = 20 # this value tells the script how many % of
# the CPU utilization change should be ignored
# If you change it too a higher value you,
# your Frame Rate will be more constant but
# smaller lags will be ignored.
$antilag.high_priority = true # set this to true if you want the game to run
# on high priority
$antilag.event = true # set this to true to enable normal anti-lag
ok.. the second thing.. I think many people had the problem that the player hangs when a script command was used in an Event and the last line ended with an "false".. RGSS does something wrong there..
# Interpreter Class
class Interpreter
# * Script
def command_355
# Set first line to script
script = @list[@index].parameters[0] + "\n"
# Loop
loop do
# If next event command is second line of script or after
if @list[@index+1].code == 655
# Add second line or after to script
script += @list[@index+1].parameters[0] + "\n"
# If event command is not second line or after
# Abort loop
# Advance index
@index += 1
# Evaluation
result = eval(script)
# If return value is false
# NEW: the last word of the code mustnt be false!
if result == false and script[script.length-6..script.length-2] != 'false'
# End
return false
# Continue
return true
you can find the script here:
*klick* (just klick on "Scripts")
if you find bugs or other things to improve, please tell me.. normally the script should be fully compatible to everything..
EDIT: Chaosg1 just told me that the Smooth AntiLag in the demo does not work unless the script command fix is deleted.. I dont know why it works fine on my computer, but if you have the same problem like him, please tell me..