that script just let you make online games!
This version allow you some new stuff like
saving switches and saving character positions,
global balloons and animations preview.
it's very cool to have such system
from now you don't need to use save files
or mess up with saving quest or client-based autosave
all of the player data including switches is being saved!!!
NetVX allow you use animations with other players and
make the game more dynamic and fun!
- Login
- Message of the Day
- The Registration but it's not completed so this version won't include it.
- Seeing Other People
- Emotion by Key system.
- Global Emotions/Balloons system
- Names over heads
- Naming NPCs System.
- Extended Tuutorial
- Chat (admins text colored in red)
- Admin Detection System
- Minimap System
- Disposing Sprites
- SBS!
- Global animation (if you use "player animation" through event it will also work!)
- Save switches to database!
- Save Characters to database including x,y,mapid,level,exp,hp,mp and much more!
- Fixed Menu System
- Fixed Sprint!
- Visual Equipments ( Paperdoll ) and GLOBALIZED!
- Better send system, sends information to map and not to all!
- Dynamic Upate System.
- Fixed Login System.
- Couple of test maps to show the goods of it
Version 2 Download:
Media Fire: -> MediaFire -> Rapidshare
Short Insturctions for exprienced people :
Read in the "Guides" Folder.
Bug List:
- Registration not done.
NP+ 1.7 Team: Stole some of thier work but most of this system
is made by me :]
Enelvon: Helping me making chat and some other stuff.
Tenkentai Dude for the SBS System.
Wortana for the Minimap.
Next Version Plan:
- Saving Variables.
- Saving Inventory.
- Using Partys and Guilds
- Using partys to fight monsters in the SBS! (leader based)
Report if any other bugs found.
that script just let you make online games!
This version allow you some new stuff like
saving switches and saving character positions,
global balloons and animations preview.
it's very cool to have such system
from now you don't need to use save files
or mess up with saving quest or client-based autosave
all of the player data including switches is being saved!!!
NetVX allow you use animations with other players and
make the game more dynamic and fun!
- Login
- Message of the Day
- The Registration but it's not completed so this version won't include it.
- Seeing Other People
- Emotion by Key system.
- Global Emotions/Balloons system
- Names over heads
- Naming NPCs System.
- Extended Tuutorial
- Chat (admins text colored in red)
- Admin Detection System
- Minimap System
- Disposing Sprites
- SBS!
- Global animation (if you use "player animation" through event it will also work!)
- Save switches to database!
- Save Characters to database including x,y,mapid,level,exp,hp,mp and much more!
- Fixed Menu System
- Fixed Sprint!
- Visual Equipments ( Paperdoll ) and GLOBALIZED!
- Better send system, sends information to map and not to all!
- Dynamic Upate System.
- Fixed Login System.
- Couple of test maps to show the goods of it
Version 2 Download:
Media Fire: -> MediaFire -> Rapidshare
Short Insturctions for exprienced people :
Read in the "Guides" Folder.

Bug List:
- Registration not done.
NP+ 1.7 Team: Stole some of thier work but most of this system
is made by me :]
Enelvon: Helping me making chat and some other stuff.
Tenkentai Dude for the SBS System.
Wortana for the Minimap.
Next Version Plan:
- Saving Variables.
- Saving Inventory.
- Using Partys and Guilds
- Using partys to fight monsters in the SBS! (leader based)
Report if any other bugs found.