Marlos Gama
By Marlos Gama

Sorry my English, I'm Brazilian

Note: After nearly a year of working with such a long time and netplay using rpg maker, I'm posting the newest netplay master, what would I use in my game, but I'm stopping with rpg maker and leave it to you my latest work ... I could not even post, in fact I would not post because of too many games being released lately, I decepicionaram, with 10% of the project and three maps, the games are now being posted, sadly, but I believe netplay that I had so much work to be appreciated by some people
Support Forum:

Administration panel:

Players Group "Admin" can open the admin panel by pressing F9
/item + Player + ID + Amount (Get itens)
/arma + Player + ID + Amount (Get weapon)
/armadura + Player + ID + Amount (Get armor)
/gold + Player+ Amount (Get gold)
/mapa + Player + Mapa + X e Y (change player of the map)
/level + Player + Amount (Get Level)
/fechar + Player (Exit Game)
/curar + Player (Heals all hp and sp)
/salvar + Player (Saves changes)
/ir + Player (You go up to the player)
/puxar + Player (Pull the player until you)
/ban + Player (You banish the player from the game forever)
Note: Instead of +, use a space, example: / gold Marlos 100

You can choose the name and guild crest (symbol)

2.Guild Name
3.Position (According to the amount of points)
4.Points System (vs Guild. Guild, players get points by killing players of other guilds)
5.Invite new members to Guild
6.Expel members of the guild
7.Exit the guild (if the guild leader of the same button deletes the guild)
8.Members List

9.Name and Arms of the guild over the name of the character

10.System can not attack the leader or members of the guild

Unlike other systems that the player can not cheat at
Ex: a player reached level 2, gained 5 points and died, again reached the level 2 and earned 5 points again in the new Master Netplay this does not happen anymore.

Shows the information of the players

1.Window that shows the information of the spells
2.To memorize the spell you drag it to the hotkey menu

1.Map Chat (With global character of the message below)
2.Global Chat
3.Party Chat
4.Guild Chat
5.Private Chat (You type the name of the player who will get the message)
6.Typing the command "/online" you can see how many players are online
Note: Each type of chat has a different font color

Can be enabled or disabled in the script [CONF] User Edits "

1.Player Info (Print name, level, guild and the guild's position)
2.Private Chat
3.Open the Exchange System
4.Send an invitation to Party
5.Add your guild (If you are the leader)

Putting the ID map, disables the PVP system in the same map (Fighting between players)
In Script "[CONF] User Edits" you can choose the color and enable or disable this system

You can choose to teleport to a place by paying a certain amount
Switches and Variables above 1000 are global

1.Team dragging the item
2.Shows the information of the items
3.Use items with left mouse button
4.Saves items

1.Drag the item from inventory to the store
2.Shows the information of the items (With Prices)

1.Drag the item from inventory to the trade window
2.Shows the information of the items

1.Hud member of the Party
2.Chat Party

2.Divide Exp
4.Divide Gold

Global Visual Equip
System prohibit create character with the caracters: ADM, [ADM] GM or GOD (Optional)
Maximum of three characters on each account
Loading System when selecting a character
Character Creator
Characters move with the mouse (Optional)
And many others ...
Putting Online:
1 - Open the folder " [Servidor ]"
2 - Open the file "NetPlay"
3 - Now you can test quietly, remembering that it is configured with local ip of your computer, or is this just for you online, other people can not enter
2 - Open the file "NetPlay"

3 - Now you can test quietly, remembering that it is configured with local ip of your computer, or is this just for you online, other people can not enter
Ctrl - Attacks
D- Defends
D- Defends
The numbers 7,8,9,0 memorize items in inventory

Character Selection

Character Creation

Points of distribution and inventory

Teleportation and Status

Guild and Monsters

Games that use Netplay Master v2
Another Fantasy

Wizard Online

Help Topics
Putting / Taking Classes
Marlos Gama
Snake Death