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Netplay+1.7 with bugfixes



Well ok i want to start by saying this please dont tell me to wait for 2.0 becouse if you havnt heard this im going to tell you the netplay+ team quit the project.

To my original request does anyone have 1.7 with all the bugs fixed i have 1.7 and ever time i open it it says something like this(Error user edits line: 133)Thank you.

Or if someone can just fix it that would be great sorry i cant be more specific,
heres the script:
# ** Module User_Edit - Lets the user edit stuff.
# Author    Shark_Tooth and Me?
# Version   1.0
# Date      22-09-05
# Thanks    Goldenaura3

module User_Edit
  PRINTLINES        = false
  MUPLEVDIFF        = 5   # How many LOWER may thew other's level be?
  MDOWNLEVDIFF      = 5   # How many HIGHER may the other's Level be?
  BONUSDAM          = [100,10,30] # X / Y + Z
  ALLOWBONUSDAM     = true
  VERSION           = 1.7
  #------------------Bandwith Config------------------------------
  # 0 = Very Low    => Only sends X and Y and Map ID and Character Name (image) (NOT Recommed)
  # 1 = Low         => Sends ^^0^^ and Increase Steps and Name (Actor) (NOT Recommed)
  # 2 = Medium      => Sends ^^1^^ and Direction (Lowest Recommend)        
  # 3 = High        => Sends ^^2^^ and Move Speed (Recommend)
  # 4 = Very High   => Sends ^^3^^ and Pattern
  Bandwith          = 3
  STARTNETSWITCH    = 1000   # All switches larger then << are netglobal
  STARTNETVAR       = 1000   # All variable larger then << are netglobal
  GLOBAL_SELF       = ["A", "B"] #Global Self Switches, to add;
                                 # ["A", "B", "C"] simple ;)
  #USENUM            = true   #uses <0> (true) or <auth> (false)\
  #------------------Password Display-----------------------------
  # Should the Password be displayed with * or letters and numbers?
  # false           = *
  # true            = Letters and Numbers
  Password_Display  = false
  #----------------Mouse Icon Name--------------------------------
  MOUSE_ICON        = RPG::Cache.icon("001-Weapon01")
  #----------------Register and Login-----------------------------
  MAX_USER_LETTERS  = 8            #Its better not to go above 10.
  MAX_PASS_LETTERS  = 8            #Its better not to go above 10.
  REGISTER_TITLE    = "--Register--"
  REGISTERING_TITLE = "--Register Status--"
  REGISTER_STATUS   = "Registering..."
  REGISTER_ERROR    = "Please fill all fields."
  REGISTER_DENIED   = "Username already exists."
  REGISTERED        = "Thank you for registering."
  REGISTER_BUTTON   = "Register"
  LOGIN_BUTTON      = "Login"
  EXIT_BUTTON       = "Exit"
  RETURN_BUTTON     = "Return"
  USERNAMETXT       = "Username:"
  PASSWORDTXT       = "Password:"
  VER_ERROR         = "Error: Version not available!"
  MOD_ERROR         = "Error: Message of the Day Not availeble!"
  UNEXPECTLOGERR    = "Unexpected Login Error"
  NOTAUTH           = "Not Authenficated"
  USERTFAIL         = "User test Failed."
  LOGIN_TITLE       = "--Please Login--"
  LOGIN_USERERROR   = "Wrong username or Password."
  LOGIN_PASSERROR   = "Wrong username or Password."
  LOGIN_STATUS      = "Awaiting Server..."
  LOGIN_STATUS2     = "Authentication Complete!"
  LOGIN_FILLERROR   = "Please fill all fields."
  BLINK             = true
  BLINKBUT          = true
  NOMOTD            = "...No Motd Recieved..."
  #---------------Connection Scenes-------------------------------
  # 0               => Use a List to display Servers, Need SERVERS!
  # 1               => Input Connection
  CONNTYPE          = 0
  # Only if CONNTYPE is 0, if set to tru, tests servers
  TESTSERVER        = true
  # Only if CONNTYPE is 1.
  # INPUT 0         = Only IP, DEFAULTPORT is used as port
  # INPUT 1         = Port and IP
  #INPUT             = 1
  # INPTP 0         = Numbers Only
  # INPTP 1         = Text Only
  # INPTP 2         = Both
  #INPTP             = 2
  SERVERON          = "Online"
  SERVEROFF         = "Offline"
  SERVERERR         = "Error"
  CONNFAILTRY       = 3
                       # IP              # Port   # Display
  SERVERS           = [[""      ,50000 , "Home Server"],
                       ["mrmo.no-ip.info" ,50000 , "MrMo's Server"  ]
                       # Name                  #map #x  #y
  WORLDS            = [["Chicken-World"       , 11, 10, 10],
                       ["Burger King World"   , 24, 12, 10],
                       ["Meat World"          , 21,  9, 10],
                       ["Macdonalds World"    , 22, 10, 10],
                       ["Kentucky-World"      , 25, 10, 10],
                       ["Water World"         ,  6, 10, 10]]
  #----------Chat System------------------------------------------
  #Avialbe Chat Systems;
  #Chat[0]          => No Chat
  #Chat[1]          => Netplay Style
  #Chat[2]          => RuneScape Style - Dynamic on map
  CHAT_SYSTEM       = 'Chat[2]'
  ENABLE_PC         = true # Enables Private Chat 
  ENABLE_MC         = false # Enables Map Chat and disables all chat
  #-----------Admin Control Panel---------------------------------
  SCENE_ADMIN1      = 'A Player'
  SCENE_ADMIN2      = 'All Players'
  SCENE_ADMIN3      = 'Raise Monsters'
  #----------PvP System------------------------------------------
  #Avialbe PvP Systems;
  #Pvp[0]          => ABS Compatible, 
  #Pvp[1]          => ABS un-compatible,
  PvP_SYSTEM = "Pvp[0]"
  STOREADD = 'Store'
  STOREGET = 'Get'
  SMAX_STORAGE = 0 #0 is unlimited, doesn't apply to money.
  SMAX_ITEMS = 0   #0 is unlimited
  SMAX_WEAPONS = 0 #0 is unlimited
  SMAX_ARMORS = 0  #0 is unlimited
  SENDBUT           = "Send"
  NEXTBUT           = "Next"
  PREVBUT           = "Prev"
  NEWBUT            = "New"
  PNEWTEXT          = "likes to talk to you..."
  DONTGOTTRADE      = "You don't got that item!"
  NOTENOUGHTRADE    = "You don't got enough from that item."
  TRADEADDB         = "Add"
  TRADECANCELB      = "Cancel"
  TRADEREMOVEB      = "Remove"
  TRADETRADEB       = "Trade!"
  ADMKICKALL        = "Everyone has been kicked"
  ADMKICK           = "You have been kicked"
  PVPMAPS           = [1]

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