My suggestion. Get a story completely written out on paper before you do anything. If you can't get your ideas organized, you will go no where. I've done this with three different games now. One of them I use for all my resources and such (as I imported many many many things to it), other I use as a demo for people (it's just basic cutscene thing) and the other is me really just working on my mapping and eventing skills. Now, I'm finally getting an actual storyline written, though I'm writing it out entirely like a book. It takes time, but then making the game will be much easier (and if you want to read it, I may be posting it for critique in the Lit Analysis section sometime...) but anyways, my point is. If you get a story, and flesh out your characters, then post it in concept development asking for help there, you will get a lot more support than things that were said earlier in this post. If you get that done, I'd even help you with mapping and such as I've got nothing better to do with my time right now. However, without any of that, I wouldn't even consider it, and neither will anyone else. Hopefully we don't come off too harsh here. We just get a lot of people who just come here asking for this kinda stuff and it gets really annoying.
Hope this helps!