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neopkmn template

damn that drifter is working quick >_<

well I was working on a pokemon template myself. so all those people making pokemon games would have pokemon sprites that were a better computer size.
and it will be a great adition to demonfire's pokemon starterskit.
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... mplate.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/pkmn-template-1.png[/IMG]
and I'm going to make some tilesets to match the size.
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... rass01.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/pkmn-tileset01.png[/IMG]

NOTE: these have not been ripped but sprited from scratch by using the pokemon palettes.
EDIT:and some windowskins
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... skin01.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/pkmnwindowskin02.png[/IMG]
It's ok, I guess it's useful.
The windowskin is great, and so is the tileset.
Now get back to working on breeze sprites ;)![j/k]

P.s. Please don't start racing with Drifter, we'll drown :D
Its not shaded very well, it seems to only be made of 3 colours O.o
But I like the tileset.
And I agree with Gunga, dont race with Drifter. There'll be too many templates...
Sup, looks pretty good but i think you need to fix some things, i think one of the frames for the back, side and front is not aligned with the rest because the character keeps skipping to the side, i also think you should move the eyes down a pixel for both frontal and side and that hind leg on the 4th frame looks too small, i think you may have to move it back a pixel too or just make it a bit thicker from the back.

Anyway just some opinions of mine.

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