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Need numerous scripts

I've seen these used in games, but i'm not 100% sure all of them actually require scripts, so any help would be appreciated :f01thumbsup:

Install script - I'd like the script/method that when the user wants to run the game, it installs onto the hard drive. It takes you through the usual method of installing and when it's done it can be found in the start menu.
New font - I want to be able to use a different font that's not standard in my game; I understand there's a script somewhere which automatically installs the font when the game is opened.
Full screen - I also need the script which automatically changes the resolution of the game window.

Also, can I have the names of the people who made them so that I can stick them in the credits?


full screen script:

place this in "Main" under "begin":

unless $DEBUG
$showm = Win32API.new 'user32', 'keybd_event', %w(l l l l), ''

if you want to have the full screen in the test mode, remove "unless $DEBUG" and "end".

however, you shoudl have looked further down, just like me ^^
but i am expiriencing some weird problems with the script, but i think its something with my comp, now with the script.

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