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need item to...

I need a script that inorder to get gold you need the item pouch and inorder to see the scene_menu quests scene u need a quests map item! And a map to see the map scene! Is there a script like this out there where u need an item to do this...
1)Go to the items in the database
2)Look at where it says common event (we'll get back to it later)
3)Go to common events
4)Make a new space
5)Put a new command to call the map scene
6)Go back to the items and under common event set it to the common event that has the command.
The rest are called switches!
ah i never knew u could do it with events lol! Im stupid!! Now if ur activating it in the menu would this work? If you dont have that item then you cant access the script from the menu?

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