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Need help modifying the Enu SBS Tanketai XP script

I'm trying to modify the Enelvon Bomb Add-On mini-script so that items marked with the bomb ID and given the proper animation will be thrown at the enemy and then show the animation and the whole shebang, but it's not working at as I expected. I use the item, and no errors occur but nothing happens. YES, I know offense items must have an odd damage value to work. Modified script via pastbin in the post. Basically, what I'm trying to do: When item Bomb is thrown, it makes an animation of the bomb icon being thrown at the enemy; bouncing abit as it gets close to the enemy and then explodes when it lands.

On second thought, I need a different edit for this script add-on. Can someone edit the script (the weapon part) so that when an actor that attacks with a weapon tagged with the bomb ID, the bomb weapon will be consumed and reloaded if there are more of the same weapon ID? If no more of the weapon ID are available for reloading, I would instead like it to auto-equip the next weapon with the same ATK or closest next value without going over the bomb weapon's attack stat.

HOWEVER: If possible, if someone could still get the item throwing animation to work; that would be great!

Edit: For clarification, I have four types of bomb items/weapons in the game. So, four IDs.

Edit: Here's ze script


# ■ Bomb Weapons 1.0 for RPG Tankentai Sideview Battle System

# 8.23.2008


# Written by Enelvon Siolach


# This script makes all weapons with the Bomb element (default Element ID #23)

# have an animation where they throw a bomb at the foe.


# ■ Release Notes


# 1.0

# ● Original Release.


# ■ Installation Notes


# Plug and play. Set the BOMB_ELEMENT to the Element ID of Sworddash. Add

# BOMB to your Bomb weapons and give them an explosion animation from the

# Database, and you're done!



module N01

  # Element used to define a skill as a Bomb skill



  # Action Sequence








class RPG::Skill

  alias enelvon_bomb_base_action base_action

  def base_action

    # If the Bomb Element is checked on the skills tab in the database,

    # the Bomb attack action sequence is used.

    if $data_skills[@id].element_set.include?(N01::BOMB_ELEMENT)

      return "BOMB_THROW"






class RPG::Weapon

  alias enelvon_bomb_weapon_base_action base_action

  def base_action

    # If the Bomb Element is checked on the skills tab in the database,

    # the Bomb attack action sequence is used.

    if $data_weapons[@id].element_set.include?(N01::BOMB_ELEMENT)

      return "BOMB_THROW"





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