I'm currently using Sideview Battle System Tankentai XP (with Atoa's ATB add-on), along with Blizzard's [XP] Easy LvlUp Notifier scripts. These are both awesome scripts, but I was recently told by Atoa, the writer of SBS:
What happens is whenever I use both the ATB script, and the the Easy LvlUP notifier, the level-up windows appear twice as fast as they should. Here are some videos to demonstrate:
Without the ATB script (notice how each window and dialogue box appears one at a time):
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With the ATB script (watch how the level up windows show up two at a time):
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I was hoping someone could find a way to make these scripts compatible, so I can use both the ATB script and the LvlUP Notifier together. Thank you to anyone who can do this. ^^
Atoa":2cz2lkud said:@blademan0186
The blizard level up notifies is incompatible with the SBS, so ask for someone else to try compatibilize it.
What happens is whenever I use both the ATB script, and the the Easy LvlUP notifier, the level-up windows appear twice as fast as they should. Here are some videos to demonstrate:
Without the ATB script (notice how each window and dialogue box appears one at a time):
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With the ATB script (watch how the level up windows show up two at a time):
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I was hoping someone could find a way to make these scripts compatible, so I can use both the ATB script and the LvlUP Notifier together. Thank you to anyone who can do this. ^^