If it os for a password ot something input; I did it nearly only by Event commands
1/ Create a 'dummy' character (in my case, it was n°6
2/ in your event
2-a/ set n°6's name to ''
2-b/ call the 'name input' command for n°6
2-c/ use n°6's name
2-c-1/ eithe test it whitth a 'script condition' like '$game_actors[6].name.upcase == 'MCGOWAN'
2-c-2/ either put it in a game variable with the '$game_variable[999]=$game_actors[6].name' and use it in a message including \V[999]
Edit : err... forget all about step 2-c-2/ and game variables. just include \N[6] in your message.... :blush: