- RTP Comparison: MV | MZ
- BGM: 89 | 48
- BGS: 29 | 29
- me: 27 | 27
- se: 355 | 345
- BattleBacks1: 76 | 51
- BattleBacks2: 78 | 50
- Characters: 46(files) | 45(files, MZ has more doors)
- Enemies: 105 | 105
- Faces: 15 | 15
- Parallaxes: 15 | 21
- Pictures: 0 | 120 (character busts)
- Sv_actors: 41 | 40
- Sv_enemies: 105 |105
- Tilesets: 31 | 31
- Titles: 22 | 20
- Titles2: 2 | 2
When they said MZ had the biggest resource library, I was calling bullshit. The only thing it has in excess is Character art. MV technically had that too but withheld for, preorder incentives I think.
MZ has notably fewer assets than MV's original release. Mostly lacking the modern/scifi assets. For the most part, MZ recreates almost everything from MV. I did notice a handful of tiles are just recolors of MV tiles. I seriously think we got an unfinished draft, or something. All the colors have been compressed and index. And I'm not 100% sure it was done intentionally.
VX Ace, MV, and MZ all have the same stupid tile arrangement. Instead of keeping all the lava tiles together, they have them grouped by types. Stairs with stairs. Damaged tiles with damaged tiles. For 3 editions now they've included duplicate floor tiles, I think one floor is suppose to be lightened some how. But it's not. And for 3 editions they've recreated it that way.
It's obvious once you group the tiles together. And you start noticing how incomplete the sets actually are.
This is stuff that jumps out at me, in no particular order.
I think a lot of the tiles look ugly and flat. Some of the autotiles don't tile seamlessly.
This isn't everything. But I can't spend all day pointing things out to express my disappointment.
It's obvious once you group the tiles together. And you start noticing how incomplete the sets actually are.
This is stuff that jumps out at me, in no particular order.
I think a lot of the tiles look ugly and flat. Some of the autotiles don't tile seamlessly.
This isn't everything. But I can't spend all day pointing things out to express my disappointment.
The Music sounds more unified compared to MV, a welcomed improvement. It doesn't go from industrial to instrumental.
However something sounds off and wasn't like that in the Youtube preview. It's sounds kind of - I'm not good with audio terms - but i want to say tinny. Like an old tv set that somebody has twisted the Treble knob to high.
So that, plus the indexed colored graphics makes me think someone got carried away trying to compress everything.
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