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my wordsdump—cave rough draft

I haven't written in a while, but it's an important hobby of mine that I really want to take seriously. I also haven't shared anything online is a VERY long time (not this forum or any other), and when I think about looking for feedback, it's hard to find anyone willing (posting fiction in facebook notes really isn't a great idea i've learned).

I wrote this a couple of weeks ago after watching one of those trendy videos that BLOWS YOUR MIND for like a whole day and then it's back to business as usual. It was semi-planned to be something larger but mostly it was just experimenting.

It's very rambly and very... um... note-y. But ultimately I think it does a decent job of showing the way my writing style (or maybe more accurately—my thinking style) has been evolving lately. As I've been trying to write more, I figured that it would be worth sharing this and seeing what kind of feedback I can get.

my name is clifford hale and i lived forty-five years in three dimensions. now i live in seven. it's impossible to imagine, really. but let me help you.

explanation of(link for reference—I haven't written this out in-story yet):

existence in a point

then i'd died. ever hear of plato's cave? yeah, its a story we created as a hint to you. there wasn't a plato, not really, it's just one of the clues we put in to help you on your journey. dozens of other little hints were places here and there throughout your history: the extinction of dinosaurs: the execution of jesus of nazareth, the holocaust, the--oh wait. that one hasn't happened yet for you. but these little clues are there to help you adjust to the big freedom. it happens to all of you--all of us--and to you, it's known as death.

we die, too. but it's very different.

point in the air in fromt of you and tell yourself "there's a person here". then move your finger two inches up. there's a person there. and then five inches down and to the right. there's a person here, too.

but i am the equivalent of a child burning ants with a magnifying glass. or a dogfighter. or hitler. in the eyes of my society, i'm considered a bit between the first two. But to you--you can't imagine the kinds of things that i do from day to day to a near-infinite number of creatures. not just humans, but those same ants or dogs, or "flatties" as you would think of them. lower and higher than yourselves as well. you are nothing to me. not even a plaything, because there are so many of you.

surely you're heard of atoms, molecules, whatever. imagine learning about them, and then swinging a knife through the air because you know it will disturb them. does that even make sense? not really. but if you had the technology to see the reactions of those things--would it be fun? it's hard to imagine it as being cruel, considering what you are to us. you're the inanimate nothing that makes up our world. yet the lives you can lead are entertaining, to those of us who care to get involved.

we've found a little piece of existence for us to play with. we meet up in my apartment and mess with you guys. there's not a particular reason we tend to stick with your little reality--i know i've done it thousands of times elsewhere as well, it's just a matter of putting one of you somewhere from birth (but on such a larger scale than the allegory of the cave--we let you move around within your dimensions, at least, and live your life). simply put, it's fun. we like to keep our bigger experiments within one reality--it's fun to have an ongoing experiment with an entire existence.

this book this moment you read this LETTER is different than the last because now i put this here with the memory that you have been reading this but maybe just a moment ago you were somewhere else and i simply altered your reality to think you've been reading this...

so i might be a god.

to me, god is something-- something else. a man, a machine, who knows? they say there are no atheists in foxholes. on my deathbed, i found god, and then they set me free. you see, you have to really find god before they set you free. but the only way to do that is to die.

but to you to even be able to imagine that THAT's what god is--not necessarily a creator but a KNOWER, an OBSERVER, for you to be able to comprehend that such a form of existence higher than yours could exist--that's a very hard thing for your kind to do.

it might be easier to imagine your god as someone like me (or imagine me as someone like your god). that's how much above you the concept is. get halfway there--and that's me.

its like a REALLY REALLY advanced computer that allows us to see into your dimensions. it's not like a microscope exactly, because your dimensions aren't necessarily SMALL to us--which isn't even possible because you don't exist in the same dimensions as us to be considered small in. more like very specialized cameras...you can't really imagine.

i am going to tell you the story about my own time as a human. not much else i could tell you would be imaginable for you. i do, however, have a very different perspective on humanity and life than i did back then, so you may find the story interesting.

If this goes well (ie. i get some helpful posts or whatever), then I might use this thread as a general dumping ground for writing.

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