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My unnamed template

OK... The eyes look a little evil to me. You've done pretty well on proportions, but I think that the back on the upwards facing view is a little strange. Not bad work though.
It does look quite good.. but i need to say this...

I dont understand why people make these kinda templates. im sure this looks like at least 5 on the templates thread...

the problem is that small big heads have been perfected already (breeze, Rtp and I cannot remember the others name) but its good :P

good luck on finishing it :) but unless you cloth it 100 times it may not be used on any projects, , , (apart from your own)
This is quite good actually. I'd want to see a finished version of this. One thing I do like about it is the fact that it actually has a nose and a mouth. Which could lead to some very interesting expressions. But the arms need to be a pixel or two down. But you are doing great! Keep it up.
i've updated the 1st post.

@gratheo- It took me a while to understand what you ment cause i war confused but thats what my back looks like...
@XcuMaSoft- Its supposed to be more of a medium/small template but it turned out smaller than i thought it would. And i said i'm not even using it in my own project, its just something to do when i'm bored.
@badmonur- Thats what i thought...
http://www.paper-hearts.org/pixel/Princ ... mplate.png[/IMG]

Sorry, there were glaring anatomy issues. :x

It's far from perfect, though. I just quickly got the proportions down. 1st=yours 2nd=in progress 3rd=done

It's okay if you don't like it. :) I'm a big fan of your head. I really like the way the eyes nose and mouth come together.

XcuMaSoft said:
I dont understand why people make these kinda templates. im sure this looks like at least 5 on the templates thread...
People can't learn to be good pixel art without practice and critiques upon their work.
I think the "Glaring anatomy issues" Make it look better.. Just my opinion. Atnas's New version seems too thin for my tastes. And like Solid bro said, you made half the sprite different. I want to see the original one finished. *Crosses fingers* :)

Yes, looking back now from a few days ago, I don't know what was wrong with me. What started as an example to show how the sprite would benefit from a crotch ended with my boredom making me resprite it with the head popped on the top. :x

Btw, I like PoT's better as well. :3

(Just remember the crotch, a template isn't complete without one. ;))
Yeah. Although i've finished i think i may remake the template, because i think iss smaller than what i was origionaly aiming for, which was a template that is the sort of size between the RTP and half kaiser. So I may make the template bigger and edit it a bit.
The female looks just like the male but with breasts. There are a lot more subtle differences that should be taken into account- in fact, breasts are one of the things that do less to make a sprite look female than others. For example, more sloping shoulders or rounded hips.
I actualy did make the shuolders different you can see if you put the female temp on top of the male, it isnt east to change the hips as they're hidden behind the hands.

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