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My Story Ideas

Which One Has the Most Potential?

  • Story One

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Story Two

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Concept One

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Concept Two

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Concept Three

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
For a long time, I have always enjoyed creating stories in many different forms may it be video games (RM Maker), comic book, or a book. Lately, I have began to wonder how good my ideas actually are. O.o For a few years, I have had several ideas running though my head and before I begin on writing/drawing/etc. a new story I want to know which one has the most potential to be pretty decent (or even great, but I doubt it). o.O

What I want to know is: Which story or concept sounds the most interesting, which one I should discard, and which one has the most potential (which will be my next story). Even how I can improve some or others.

Enough of my "talking", now for the ideas themselves. ^_^;

The ancient Greek gods, now in the form of mere mortals after losing their bodies in a war in ancient times, are now dealing with modern day issues - while battling Hades and his minions of the Underworld at the same time.

In ancient Greek times, the goddess of the Underworld - Persephone - sought to seek revenge on all who had betrayed her. She first chose Aphrodite as her target, and this led to a great war among the gods. The only gods that survived were the ones who did not participate - among them is the king of the Underworld, Hades. He loses his wife (Persephone) during the war and begins to mourn her death. Missing his queen greatly, Hades kidnaps Demeter - the mother of Persphone - in hopes to re-create his dead wife. With Demeter being held captive in the Underworld, the Earth begins to die slowly.
The Great Goddess, Gaea tries many ways to take back Demeter, until she finally succumbs to the use of force. She enlists the help of Thanatos, the god of death, - who was prevously banned from the Underworld - reincarnate the gods back to life (knowing that creating mortals would be faster than resurrecting dead gods).
Illenia Ashtear awakens from another mysterious dream featuring several gods, not knowing the true meaning of the dream. As she shops for her senior year at Beachside High School, she meets a girl named Jewel Ariana and shortly after that they both come face to face with a monster in the shape of a satyr. Fearing for their lives, Jewel materializes a magic wand and transforms the creature into baby animal. Illenia goes home, very confused.
The next day, she meets Jewel once again and learns that she is her new next door neighbor. From then on, Illenia's life (and Jewel's) changes forever....

Illenia Lucille Ashtear
Age: 17 (appears 14)
Race: Empusa
Class/Job: Student, chemist/mathematician
Weapon: Blaster
Personality: Mature, intelligent, short tempered, (stoic) emotionless

Jewelikuba "Jewel" Peace-Flower Ariana
Age: 17
Race: Human
Class/Job: Student, dancer
Weapon: Magic wand, fan (melee combat only)
Personality: Naive, sensitive, good-natured, ditzy, "fashionista", pacifist (hates violence)

Cailou Patrick McCourt
Age: 17
Race: Human (has furry pointed ears and a fuzzy tail, though)
Class/Job: Student, clothing store clerk, drummer for Gravitation
Weapon: Dual swords
Personality: Coward, athletic, charismatic

Zync Norris
Age: Unknown (appears 17)
Race: Vampire
Class/Job: Student, gangster
Weapon: Giant hammer
Personality: Reckless, stubborn, cocky (loud and indesctructible)

Eleanor "Nelly" Mana Ashtear
Age: 14
Race: Human
Class/Job: Student, fencer
Weapon: Rapier
Personality: Smart, bubbly, playful, childish (has Multiple Personality Disorder <happy/nice and morbid/creepy>>, ADHD)

Detai Heffernan
Age: Unknown (appears 15)
Race: Unknown
Class/Job: Student
Weapon: Scythe
Personality: Timid (can't figure out more words yet)

Luthe Weidon
Age: 23
Race: Potamoi (merman)
Class/Job: Surfer
Weapon: Trident
Personality: Laid-back (can't figure out more words yet)

Jimmy Fredrix
Age: 17
Race: Human
Class/Job: Student, guitarist for Gravitation, artist
Weapon: Bowgun, guitar (melee combat only)
Personality: Funny (cna't figure out more words yet)

Age: Unknown (appears 22)
Race: Incorporeal being (ghost)
Class/Job: None
Weapon: Fists
Personality: Tough, motherly-like (in some strange ways)

Kalliko Foley
Age: 17
Race: Human
Class/Job: Pirate
Weapon: Bow
Personality: Greedy, tomboy, adventurous

Eri Luminis was the daughter of two nobles who was forced to be their slave. Her older sister, Teia, would torment her and also treated her like a slave. (The reason for all this is not known, as of yet.) Eri's parents died in a house fire - that spread throughout the village - when she only 10 years old, and from then on Teia took care of her. Later, Eri falls in love with a man named Xan (I forgot his last name), whom Teia tries to take from her (thinking 'slaves' shouldn't have lovers. Soon, Teia is killed right before Eri's eyes and following that, Xan is drafted to go to war. He promises to marry Eri, should she wait for his return.
The war ends 4 years later, and months pass by, but Eri never hears from or sees Xan. She sends various letters to his base, hoping he would be write back, but she still gets nothing. Worried about him, she decides to travel to his base and talk to him in person...

Erikai "Eri" Luminis
Age: 20
Race: Human
Class/Job: Commoner (noble class, but forced to work like a slave)
Weapon: None, as of yet...
Personality: Troubled....
*SPOILERS* She set the house on fire to kill her parents - that spread to the entire village, and hired someone to kill Teia.

Xan ????
Age: 21
Race: Human
Class/Job: Commoner (noble class)/Drafted Soldier
Weapon: Sword
Personality: Haven't decided yet. >.>
*SPOILERS* He actually suffered amnesia during the war and doesn't remember a thing, which is why is hasn't returned.

Lily (an antagonist)
Age: Unknown
Race: Succubus
Class/Job: Disguised priestess? O.o
Weapon: None, as of yet...
Personality: Seductive, clever, vengeful
*SPOILERS* Lily is actually the dead Teia as a demon, who comes back from the "Netherworld/Underworld/Hell" to take revenge on Eri (she tricked Xan - who has amnesia - into thinking they were lovers, in order to delay his trip back home <so Xan works with her>)

A girl in the modern-day faces off against several demons, killing them (or most of them). Either at the end, or at some point of the story, the player/reader/etc. learns that this girl has actually been murdering human beings!

A girl, again in the modern-day, suffers from Split Personality Disorder. Her normal personality (the one everyone "sees", or is with the most often) is insecure, shy, and gentle. Her other self, is mean, destructive, and out-going. The other personality also has destructive powers, while the normal one doesn't have any sort of power (unless I decide otherwise). Whenever the other personality gets out, she causes pain and destruction where ever she goes, and does anything she pleases. The normal personality will always wake up afterwards, confused and won't know what her other "self" just did.

A maid, in a fantasy setting, works at a castle like any other castle-maid. One morning she wakes up naked next to the prince, with no recollection of the night before. Now the whole castle is after her and she must escape! She must uncover the truth of last night, with before they find her.

Thanks for any help you may gave me. XD

I haven't been feeling creative lately, and I wonder if I'm actually creative at all. O.O
Why not just mash them all together and see what comes out at the other end? XD

That said though, there is a lot of potential for "Concept One" in a kind of Joseph Conrad-y (yes, that is an adjective) kind of way. It's a kind of deconstruction of the general Buffy/classic-horror-movie concept by puncturing the nice monsters-as-issue bubble.
It would be fun to mash them all together, but they all take place in different genres and settings. ^_^

Concept One I know would be hard to do because I know it would probably just be a short story. I'd probably insert in something just because of the length. XD
You know, you don't have to have just one genre in a story. :P

Furthermore, you just chose the best setting, or your favourite, and work the plots and characters of the others into the story, as subplots etc.
I do know that - I like multiple ones, actually. XD

The first story, I have changed. I've decided to just created my own myths and gods to fit my needs better than use Greek Mythology (which is kind of over-used in my opinion).

I'm not really good at that stuff, though. O.o

That story, is supposed to be a comic that me and a friend (who gave me all work, and now I feel like it's too much pressure to do it on my own, so I've been holding it off). We've been working on it for about 6 years and it probably won't go anywhere.

Oh wells. ^_^;
I really like the second story idea. It sounds very original, in my opinion, and there are a few directions you could take it. Here's my overall opinion:

If you want to make a game, I'd definitely go with Story Two and maybe combine it with Concept Two. You could turn the split personalities into a major game element if you take the time. You could do a sort of "limit break" with her where she'll enter into her meaner personality with more powers. And maybe make the powers work off the limit gauge so it'll go down when she uses a power and when it hits 0 she goes back to normal. And just the story would be very interesting.

If you want to write something, I suggest going with Story One. It has the most potential for something interesting in word format and it would be hard to convert into a game. You could also maybe combine it with Concept One in some way, like have her believe these people are gods so she goes out killing people only to find the "gods" are trying to manipulate her to do their tasks or something.

Concept Three is so "eh" that I wouldn't recommend it for anything long. It could maybe be a short story, but anything more than that would be dragged out, in my opinion.
That was very helpful, Guardian. Thankies! XD

I might just combine Story Two and Concept Two together, because the two of them might actually make perfect sense together! Hehe. It gives me some good ideas. ^_^

I'm kind of starting Story One over with my friend right now, but that one will take a long time. :)

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