did you make it?
looks okay if you did, apart from those things mentioned above, the pokemon, well, to my artists eye, the pokemon look too similiar for my personal liking. By this I mean that they look too similiar in the form that you have them (side by side) and the dotted border around the pokemon themselves looks bad, I am not sure what it is supposed to be, but if the pokemon are supposed to be glowing, then I would suggest a glow, not a kinda rose petal thingy. it also looks like you tryed to give them a light shadow (light meaning white) that looks kinda out of place.
also, the theme of your title...
if I were to look at the background (just the background) I would think that the theme would be dark, but not evil, and very cave-like. I would not suggest it in a title screen. also, a tip for improving the background would be to mix it up a little, you know, that background looks like a small pic repeated a lot of times.
and then the pokemon themselves look cheerful (for the most part), light and good, which contrasts to the background.
I hope this post does not sound like I am critisizing the whole thing, I am not meaning to, I am merely suggesting several things that could be improved.
(constructive criticism)