So earlier on, I put my computer on standby for a few hours, came back to it, and the monitor wouldn't turn on, so I turned the PC off altogether, and reconnected the VGA cable in both the monitor and back of the PC, and now everything is blue, even when the settings are set to auto, and I put everything on the colour correction screen to normal (So the RGB are level), yet it won't go back to how it was...
Is there a solution to this that won't result in me having to spend money that I don't have ?
So earlier on, I put my computer on standby for a few hours, came back to it, and the monitor wouldn't turn on, so I turned the PC off altogether, and reconnected the VGA cable in both the monitor and back of the PC, and now everything is blue, even when the settings are set to auto, and I put everything on the colour correction screen to normal (So the RGB are level), yet it won't go back to how it was...
Is there a solution to this that won't result in me having to spend money that I don't have ?