Hello there, I'm new to this community, the name is Leon...
I was told in the introduction forum that someone would like me to share a manga I am creating. I thought, "hey, okay, why not." so here I am. I have a few samples, nothing to flashy yet, but I just wanted to throw them out there ad maybe collect some opinions! The manga is about an 18 year old boy, who serves a merconary group called, Panther's Rose. The boys name is Seira Hitimo Hakami.
To throw everything into a nutshell, the manga begins with him on his last mission, but things escilade into gigantic proportions of DOOM!
Basically he comes in contact with his lost brother who is evil, he becomes guardion of earth, a demon rises by the name of Tremer to steal the power of his father and take over the world. It get's pretty crazed, but ayway... before I ramble on an longer, here ar the samples.
The art is completely done b a good friend of mine by the name of Mary Clair Mark, or animezingrl on Mangarevolution.com, or carlyjo90 on gaiaonline.com
The story is completely made by me, however, Leon Richard Osborn, but I don't thik you'll get much of that in the samples.
Anyway here they are, and let me know what you think!
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff11 ... rl90/4.jpg[/img]
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff11 ... rl90/6.jpg[/img]
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff11 ... rl90/7.jpg[/img]
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff11 ... rl90/9.jpg[/img]
I was told in the introduction forum that someone would like me to share a manga I am creating. I thought, "hey, okay, why not." so here I am. I have a few samples, nothing to flashy yet, but I just wanted to throw them out there ad maybe collect some opinions! The manga is about an 18 year old boy, who serves a merconary group called, Panther's Rose. The boys name is Seira Hitimo Hakami.
To throw everything into a nutshell, the manga begins with him on his last mission, but things escilade into gigantic proportions of DOOM!
Basically he comes in contact with his lost brother who is evil, he becomes guardion of earth, a demon rises by the name of Tremer to steal the power of his father and take over the world. It get's pretty crazed, but ayway... before I ramble on an longer, here ar the samples.
The art is completely done b a good friend of mine by the name of Mary Clair Mark, or animezingrl on Mangarevolution.com, or carlyjo90 on gaiaonline.com
The story is completely made by me, however, Leon Richard Osborn, but I don't thik you'll get much of that in the samples.
Anyway here they are, and let me know what you think!
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff11 ... rl90/4.jpg[/img]
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff11 ... rl90/6.jpg[/img]
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff11 ... rl90/7.jpg[/img]
http://i243.photobucket.com/albums/ff11 ... rl90/9.jpg[/img]