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my first sprite (PA)

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No offense, but this looks to me like a rip from a game that's been resized. My reasons for believing this:
-A quick color count gives me 6248 colors. This has obviously been resized, and the antialiasing has made a complete mockery out of it.
-No offense, but I doubt that you made something like this without asking for critiques while working on it.
-The edges are fuzzy, another indicator of anti-aliasing.

So, basically, please credit where credit is due.
gratheo, i worked hard on this! it is not a rip from a game! it is resized, because i merged lots of parts together! then i hade to make it so it is useable with RPGXP so ALL credit gose to me because i made it!
Ah, all right. My mistake.
Wait a second... you "merged lots of parts together" (your words, not mine), but where did the parts come from?
If you're not the original author of this, and this is a mash up of different graphics, you don't deserve any credit for making this. Please post where you got this from and what parts are from where. Claiming ripped work as your own is plagarism.
it looks like it was made for RM2k/RM2k3. im not saying you never made it but being that many colors is just over the top. try and reduce the colors and you may have a good sprite :P

and if its from other sprites you made WHY are you calling it your FIRST SPRITE!
BunnyKinx, i am calling it my first sprite because it is the first one that i put on the web, and the first one that i have finished
i fixed the initial post. enough about the plagiarism stuff, he probably wasn't aware of what would be proper in crediting.

now for actual feedback: this is fucking horrible. Why is it fuzzy
No one hates you, your just very naive. If you learn to maybe act a little more mature then we would happily accept you.

Judging by your personality and the way you act, I'm assuming your at least 12, maybe younger? I could be wrong.

Be smart. Don't reply with "NOO WAI IM 15!!11" Just... Act a little older and nicer, and we will happily return the favor.
ok Jaiden, thanks :smile: i will post the picture back up and fix every thing, just for every one else, i am new at making resources so if you make me feel good then i will be able to make better resources :smile:
It's not anyones job to make you feel good, however we (and by we I mean people who know something about sprites aka not me) will offer constructive criticism to make you better at what you are doing.
You might not like it but in the end you'll be glad for it because you'll get much better at making stuff.
iceplosion, yes i know and when i said "if you make me feel good" i ment for people to say something like "its good but can use some work" thats what i ment, what i did not want is "dude you suck, stop making sprites" thats what i ment.
ze straw":1svyifo3 said:
iceplosion, yes i know and when i said "if you make me feel good" i ment for people to say something like "its good but can use some work" thats what i ment, what i did not want is "dude you suck, stop making sprites" thats what i ment.
Point out one time where we said anything like that.
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