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multiple teams?

I was wondering if a script had been made for making it possible to have multiple teams, like FF3/6 for those who have played it?

For those who haven't, you create separate parties and can, in that game, use a specific button to switch parties to navigate through dungeons, usually requiring one team to use switches/etc to help the other team get through and visa versa.

I guess if nothing else I could set up an event system but I was hoping a script was created?

I will be using the multiple item list script that allows for independant items and, I think, money. So if the script could be compatible with that, that would be great.
This IS a request thread Omega...

Uhh, if you are gonna use an event system, no need to know if it will be compatible with Fukuyama's multiple inventories..

There are some scripts like that here... Check out the Forum Script Listings for Fomar's scripts and some other guys i cannot remember...
I checked those but that isn't exactly what I meant, I know about switching party members. I'm talking about something else entirely... like...

Fighter and Cleric are in Party 1, they are locked IN the prison and need to be gotten out

Mage and Thief are in Party 2, they are outside the prison and need to break in to get Party 1 out.

So you would be able to switch between party 1 and 2 by pressing the X button, they each have their own individual party members, items and (hopefully) money.

You would use the two parties, 1 and 2 to disable the security to escape the prison, forming the final party, party 3 and disabling the ability to switch between parties with X at the end.

I didn't see anything like that in the forums listing, if I missed it I'm gonna need a specific one by a certain person, or a link would also be cool.

If it HASN'T been in the forum script listing, then if anyone else can either: 1. tell me where to get a script like this. 2. would be interested in making the script 3. could offer suggestions on how to make this work with just events

Use variables. You can store the first party in a variable, and the X,Y, and map coordinates in another variable, and do the same for every party you want to use.

The following code will save your party to a variable:
$game_variables[1] = $game_party
$game_party = Game_Party.new
This stores the party to variable 1 (yes items and everything). And gives you a new party.
To switch back to the old party, use the following code:
$game_variables[2] = $game_party
$game_party = $game_variables[1]
That will store the current party into variable 2, and load the party that was in variable one. Do not forget to make teleport variables.
(This is SephirothSpawn)

My new party switcher supports multiple parties. I am posting my test bed update this weekend and it will be included. You can have multiple parties with dynamic items, gold, etc., each with their own reserve actors, as well as global reserve actors that are accessable to all teams.

It includes 2 switchers, a quick switch that appears on the map and another one that has its seperate scene.

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