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Multiple Script Requests

Hey, I was just wondering if any of you could get me some of these scripts, I would appreciate it very much and you would get a special password to login to my soon-to-be online game, Aeori. ( If that name is taken please notify me) Only certain people are allowed to join.

Script Requests:
1. A type of battle where you don't have to go into battle mode. (ex. Maple Story)
2. A Character Creator In-Game, so the players can create their own character.
3. Job Advancements, There will be 10 starting classes and 5 job adv. for each.
4. To make the game online, I know how to make a server, I just need to connect it with a script.

Thank you and you can get me seperate scripts, you don't have to do all 4.

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