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Multiple Poisons

Multiple Poisons
Version: 1.1.0


This script allows a game to have different types of poisons. Whether the poison is a minor infection, or a serious disease, this script will suit your need for poisons.


  • Plug-and-play!
  • Easy to make new poison damages
  • Can set a negative damage to get a curative state!
  • Damage is taken for all poison states, not just one
  • Damage can be taken from HP or SP


No screenshots needed.


No demo needed. Script is plug and play.


#  ** Multiple Poisons
#  Scripted by: Yeyinde
#  Version 1.1.0
#  February 1 & 2, 2007

# * Initialize Constants

SP_POISONS = [] # Add the state ids of SP draining poisons here
BATTLE_DAMAGE = {} # Format: state_id => damage_division
BATTLE_DAMAGE.default = 10 # Do not change
MAP_DAMAGE = {} # Format: state_id => damage_division
MAP_DAMAGE.default = 100 # Do not change

# Damage correction (To prevent /0 errors)
BATTLE_DAMAGE.each do |state_id, damage|
  BATTLE_DAMAGE[state_id] = BATTLE_DAMAGE.default if damage == 0
MAP_DAMAGE.each do |state_id, damage|
  MAP_DAMAGE[state_id] = MAP_DAMAGE.default if damage == 0

# ** Game_Battler
#  This class deals with battlers. It's used as a superclass for the Game_Actor
#  and Game_Enemy classes.

class Game_Battler
  # * Application of Slip Damage Effects - Overwrite
  def slip_damage_effect
    # Set damage
    self.damage = 0
    sp_damage = 0
    # Branch per state held
    @states.each do |i|
      # If the state has slip damage
      if $data_states[i].slip_damage
        # Add to damage
        if SP_POISONS.include?(i)
          sp_damage += self.maxsp / BATTLE_DAMAGE[i]
          self.damage += self.maxhp / BATTLE_DAMAGE[i]
    # Dispersion
    if self.damage.abs > 0
      amp = [self.damage * 15 / 100, 1].max
      self.damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
    if sp_damage.abs > 0
      amp = [sp_damage * 15 / 100, 1].max
      sp_damage += rand(amp+1) + rand(amp+1) - amp
    # Subtract damage from HP and SP
    self.hp -= self.damage
    self.sp -= sp_damage
    # End Method
    return true

# ** Game_Party
#  This class handles the party. It includes information on amount of gold 
#  and items. Refer to "$game_party" for the instance of this class.

class Game_Party
  # * Slip Damage Check (for map) - Overwrite
  def check_map_slip_damage
    # Branch per actor
    @actors.each do |actor|
      # If actor has more than 0 HP and has a slip damage state
      if actor.hp > 0 and actor.slip_damage?
        # Set damage
        damage = 0
        sp_damage = 0
        # Branch per state held
        actor.states.each do |i|
          # If the state has slip damage
          if $data_states[i].slip_damage
            # Add to damage
            if SP_POISONS.include?(i)
              sp_damage += actor.maxsp / MAP_DAMAGE[i]
              damage += actor.maxhp / MAP_DAMAGE[i]
        # Take damage
        if damage > 0
          actor.hp -= [damage, 1].max
        elsif damage < 0
          actor.hp -= [damage, -1].min
        # Take SP damage
        if sp_damage > 0
          actor.sp -= [sp_damage, 1].max
        elsif sp_damage < 0
          actor.sp -= [sp_damage, -1].min
        # If the actor has no more HP
        if actor.hp == 0
          # Play the actor collapse SE
        # Flash the screen to indicate damage
        if damage > 0 or sp_damage > 0
          $game_screen.start_flash(Color.new(255,0,0,128), 4)
        elsif damage < 0 or sp_damage < 0
          $game_screen.start_flash(Color.new(0,255,0,128), 4)
        # Go to game over if the party is all dead
        $game_temp.gameover = $game_party.all_dead?


Insert the script into a new section above Main. Edit the BATTLE_DAMAGE and MAP_DAMAGE constant Hashes with the following format: {state_id => damage_division} where state_id is the ID of the status in the database(no leading 0s), and damage_division is the number which maxhp will be divided by to get the damage for that state (example: 100 = maxhp / 100, 25 = maxhp / 25)
If you want damage to be taken from the actor's SP, add the state id to the SP_POISONS constant array. (SP_POISONS = [3, 6] would make states 3 and 6 remove from SP)


No questions asked.


Compatible with the SDK.
Trickster is going to be mad at someone... >_<

Looks good Yeyinde. And I learned something new. I didn't know there was a default Hash#default method. I had wondered about that about a week ago, since I had plans on making a method like that myself. Hahaha!



Just a suggestion if you want to take it or not.

Could you do it that MP is damaged by poison? Such as every turn, you lose 10% of your MP? Also the opposite where you can put -10 for gaining 10% every turn.

Even if you don't use my suggestions, I'm still yanking this script (with full credits of course!). =) Awesome job.
SephirothSpawn;147001 said:
Trickster is going to be mad at someone... >_<

Of course I am, and just when I started to trust him, but well we said we wanted to see more from him so everything's okay. I really don't care about it.

SephirothSpawn;147001 said:
Looks good Yeyinde. And I learned something new. I didn't know there was a default Hash#default method. I had wondered about that about a week ago, since I had plans on making a method like that myself. Hahaha!

What in the world are you talking about, I knew about this months ago (Look at the Setup sections for any of my scripts ;), Yeyinde probably stole that from me as well XD) and I was going to post that information in your tutorial but I lost the post information

Also there is Hash.default_proc you define a proc object for what happens if the key doesn't exist in the hash, but you can only define it when creating a hash

Hash.new {|hash, key| do something with either}

but if you do that then you can't create a hash using the hash literal and still define the block, and there is no Hash#default_proc= method, but there is Hash#merge you can make use of. What I would do is create a dummy hash with the block and have the setup hash next merge the hash with the block with the setup hash, and there you have a hash with both of these properties.

Even if you don't use my suggestions, I'm still yanking this script (with full credits of course!). =) Awesome job.

YOU STEAL MY PRAISE YEYINDE :( Hey... wait a sec aren't you supposed to be using a script I made for you in a request THIS ONE. Way to rub it in.

Ok now my real reply (Disregard the above portion of my post)

Well its almost the way I had in mind, I was thinking of showing each damage from every poison, a bit more complicated, but if you don't take up this challenge then :( not :) but :(. Also I would've done what I have done over here, gives the user more freedom over how much damage the poison deals. But well Nicely done



Trickster":1mi1aqoh said:
Hey... wait a sec aren't you supposed to be using a script I made for you in a request THIS ONE.
Well... I *HAVE* been using it, but now I can do multiple poisons and also regen by having it do negative damage. So yeah... I'm sorry? =P

Well, once you make your version of this script, I'll probably hop right on back to yours *laughs*
I agree with Shinjo about his mana draining poision; and I also need a small walkthrough and how to use this script, and how to add more than one state_id to this script. Thank you for your time.



Thanks for this script. It's a little old but I'm gonna bump it because it's nice. It's one of the scripts I was looking for (slow-curing potions rather than instant). Also it makes poison-users potentially dangerous with lots of stacking poisons.

Thanks again. I'll play test it a lot and see if I get any questions about it.
How about saying what is wrong so I can fix it?  Just saying something is not working will not speed the fixing of of whatever issue may be having.
Yeyinde":1yu5gy22 said:
How about saying what is wrong so I can fix it?  Just saying something is not working will not speed the fixing of of whatever issue may be having.

I'm sorry, I wish I could offer more information, but I don't know what the problem is.  I've installed the script and it's not doing anything.  I have SDK 2.3 and MACL.  The only changes I've made to the script itself are:

BATTLE_DAMAGE = {18 => 11} # Format: state_id => damage_division


MAP_DAMAGE = {18 => 101} # Format: state_id => damage_division

And I've created a state in slot 18, afflicted it to enemies as well as characters, but neither do anything at all.  Am I supposed to go into one of the default scripts and change something?

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