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Multiple fog script

like it says id be liking a script for 2 or more fogs at once.I know ive posted this before but i cant really go much farther in my game without it(and i cant find the last one to bump it up)thanks to anyone who tries
I thought it sounded pretty basic. Doesn't he just want it to so you can have two or more fog overlays displayed on the same map at the same time?
You know where they can both scroll etc. Imagine like having an underwater fog, mixed with a normal fog to make murkier water or something.

@ shinasura - I find it hard to imagine why you couldn't advance further into your game without having a simple visual addon. If you explain the reason you'll be needing it, your more likely to get help or trigger a scripters imagination into how it could be used.
Ah, now I see what you mean... but wouldn't it look weird having them overlay eachother like that? As the underwater fog could be everywhere in the map, making the WHOLE map looking like its underwater,
Actually, I have just recognised that I too need this, is it simple?

I am using my fog layer as lighting on my larger maps, and using a picture for this isn't working. I also need an actual fog over the top of this.

What I am actually doing is layer A - glow from a fire and window lighting.

I need in layer B - rising smoke.

Is there any chance I can have this second layer prioritising over the lighting fog layer?

Just two fogs with the ability to scroll in different directions/speeds? Could be useful. I want to say Wachunga already did this because he did so many things similiar to this but Im not sure.
Yeah that's exactly what I mean, in real life your going to come across locations that have more than one different attribute in the atmosphere. Doubling up fogs may make a better overall singular fog effect too. Let's hope Wachunga did do this.
Well if it does it does, but its good of you to try it. Before you do though, Ryanwh suggested it may already be made by Wachunga, I wouldn't want you to go threough the effort if thats the case... I wouldn't know how much or your time that would waste, I have zero idea about scripting.

Also in my particular case, I would only need one to scroll, but one to be displayed as a fog rather than a picture too.
OK if he did do it I tihnk it got lost in the hack because the search isnt finding anything. I know for a FACT he did a scrolling map and multi-panoramas scripts. Someone adept at scripting could make the multi-panorama script basically work like a fog.

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