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Multi-Magic/Skill Selection

I was wandering if it's possible to make a multi-magic selection system.
Like if you go into the skill(or magic) in the command window your given an over lapping window or new command window showing: Solomon(or summon), Elemental(4basic elements), Aura(heal magic), Arcane(Black Magic), and Drake(Ice and Thunder Magic).
I will create the icons used for the before pics of the class of magic.
and the skills (i.e. Cross Cut) will be under the corresponding weapon set.
Like Cross Cut would be under Sword Skills. Now for the harder part of this request, I would want the Weapon Skills usable by any one who equips a weapon. Like Basil equips a Bow he can then use Bow Skills but losses the lance skills, as for anyone else who would equip a different weapon they would lose the skills that they learned but not forever.
Like back to Basil, he de-equips his lance(he would then lose his lance skill) and say equip a sword(then he would learn a sword skill), but the lance skill he once had would be in reserve in the skills menu. So once he re-equips a lance he would forget the sword skill but retain all the lance skills he learned wile he had that weapon equipped.
Now I know what your gonna ask is what about the other party members.
Got it covered about that. Say Aluxes is level 28 and learned about 30% of the sword skills, and he switches weapons from Sword to Dagger and Gloria equips the sword she would have to start from the beginning of the sword skills.
Hope your gonna follow this.
And as for the magic only certain class can use magic called Mystics, and each mystic can learn every spell providing you find the correct elemental glyph, 8 glyphs in all for each of the 8 elements, so thats 8 levels for Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, etc.... so thats 64 different basic spells. this isn't covering advanced spells, pro spells, and Ascended Spells. So I hope this gets done this would greatly and nearly complete my primary project witch as of now is only 25% complete(been working on it for about 2 years now)

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