I assume you're talking about a cutscene, where the game is controlling all of the movement, not the player.
For starters, control the movement of both characters from the same event. Trying to synchronize multiple
events is not fun.
If you put 2 "Move Route" commands in a row (one for each character), they will start at the same time.
If you put a "Wait for Move's completion" in between them, they will execute one at a time.
If you put a "Wait 20 Frames" between them, the 2nd one will wait for about 1 second, then start to move.
If I understand your question correctly, it's just a matter of adjusting the "Wait" command to get the timing right. (20 frames = ~1 second)
If I didn't understand correctly, either I'm tired, or you didn't 'splain it well enough... :scruff:
Be Well