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Monster difficulty Script

ok its prolly been done but hear me out.

Is it possible to make a script, that when u start a new game, it asks you what difficulty you want, and depending on what you choose, it effects all the monsters stats... this is specific to what im looking for:

Easy - All Monster Stats multiplied by 0.75
Normal - All Monster Stats multiplied by 1 (no difference to monsters)
Hard - All Monster Stats multiplied by 1.5
Expert - All Monster Stats multiplied by 2
Insane - All Monster Stats multiplied by 3

its a really basic concept, basically, all the difficulty level change does, is change how strong the enemies are, nothing more.
I actually did that, but I have just finished a new Dynamic Enemies level.

Basically, you control 5 values for each stat:

Start Value (at lowest level), Max value (at hishest level), Early Gain, Late Gain, and Variance

Your enemies are assigned to a certain level (which you can control the range) and the stats are randomized acording to the specs.

Works most excellent. I am trying to finish up 1 more script before I go on a little submition sphree. Should be later tonight.

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