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Monster Behaviour on Field Map

Whilst recently toying with Nears View range script, it reminded me of a script I saw quite a long time ago for Monster Behaviour on the field map. For example, all you had to do was put in a few pre-defined comments into the monsters event and he would approach you in various ways. So like the enemies in Star Ocean 3/Tales Of symphonia, but dynamic.

Some would charge at you in a fast straight line, others would move in the opposite direction to you with every button press. Some would run away. There were other more interesting ones but I can't remember them.

I was hoping someone would still have this or know where to get it. Unfortunately, I cannot recall who made it originally though, and am unaware of how compatible it will be with SDK scripts.

You are talking about Iceshiva's Script, unfortunately I don't have a copy of it

But well since this is an interesting concept...

I'll look into creating this script when I find the chance, if there's anything you want me to add to the final product let me now
BUMP, this is the latest there was before the hack

Anyone feel free to add monster behaviours you'd like to this thread. As longas that is okay with Trickster. I remember someone posting the old demo of a script like this, he had a quite a few idea's that were in that demo.

BTW, this would definately be better if you could set each monsters range individually, when the player is in range, then the monster could begin its action.

OK, approach ideas I remember:

Enemy could only move up against walls/impassable tiles

Enemy moves in opposite direction to player input

When player is near, enemy runs from player

Some would increase speed in from 3 to 4 in the player as in range and charge in a straight line

If player was in range, enemy would be startled and not be able to move til the player was out of range.

Enemy would only attack if another monster type was approaching (like a sheeplike enemy)

Enemy would become active if the player was in range, but only be able to move sideways.

Enemy would begin to spin when approaching the player (such as a tornado monster etc.)


I remembered some more.

Ghost - Enemy would be heavily transparent whilst the player was moving
Stealth - Enemy would be invisible unless the player was stationary
Hop - Every step the enemy took would be a jump in the direction of the player when the player was in range, otherwise movement would be random but still hopping.
Follower - Enemy would follow the exact movement pattern of another pre-defined enemy
Ahh yes I haven't forgotten about this request, but do note I have other requests to fill as well

I'ts still in the planning phase as I am still deciding the best way to do this

I may end up coding most (if not all) of the movement effects that have been stated in this topic, and then others may request new ones to be made which will be addons to the script.

The only thing you will have to do is setup the event correctly using comments. But this may change.
Trickster, what is the likelihood that this be compatible with Nears View range (non SDK) when you have done it. I tried to get the SDK version working but couldn't understand how to use it as there was no demo or examples.

@Shiro - Posting the demo would be nice just to remind myself of how it was, thanks.
It's funny, I also requested the exact same thing, Calibre. lol
And I do happen to have IceShiva's Collision Encounter script on me.
Although, I'd also like to see some newer collision encounters as well.

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