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Money changing

Hey everyone,

I got a small question within the scripting or database changing..
When in shops or in the menu, you see your money as whole numbers. My question is, is it possible with a script or anything to work with comma's, so you can define cents etc.

So I mean, if something costs 1,75 I can just define it like that instead of 175

It would be cool, because I can use real prices, because I'm working on a game which should represent a town for a school project.

Thanks in advice..



Usually that can be achieved using the sprintf function.  Here's an example:

  string = sprintf("%.2f",number)

That code above prints the number, but with a period as a decimal point.  If, however, you insist on
using a comma as a decimal point, then it can be converted further:

  string = sprintf("%.2f",number)

I hope this helps.
Anyplace where 'gold' is displayed...  (search for 'price' or 'gold')

Window_Gold, Window_ShopBuy, Window_ShopNumber (I think that's all...)

#    self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 120-cx-2, 32, $game_party.gold.to_s, 2)
    gold = sprintf("%.2f",$game_party.gold)
    self.contents.draw_text(4, 0, 120-cx-2, 32, gold, 2)

Be Well
I used your example in the window_gold and tested it.

During the testing, I found some money with the comma, but it just pasts .00 behind it.
I had 1000 for example, but it showed 1000.00. But I would like it that the comma gets on the normal place, instead of pasting it at the end.

Like if I add 1000 gold to the party, it should say 10.00 instead of 1000.00, or atleast if it's possible to change the last numbers.

Thanks in advice, and sorry for the multi-asking. But it's hard to explain.

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