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Message in battle (without event)



i've make a mass that i can't avoid in the battle sistem, and now i can't use the message in battle, then i esc you if there is a way to put message in battle without the event, like an help window where you decide what to write in, that disappear with keyimput or after a certain time, i don't matter, but i really need message in battle, and i can't use the standard way to put it in X| (every time i must make an explenation of the bs or a trasformation of a monster or a big bad guy to defite or a new guy into your party during the battle) these are all important things to put into a battle XD and actually i can't, pls, pls help me T.T if you help me guy i'll be sure to put the credit and with this i can post a demo as soon as possible :D becose is my last problem in script for a demo version :) and i'm managing to translate my game in english XD (the original is in italian, my mother lenguage)

I've delete the normal message in battle (i can't put them in becose they crash with other script)
wath i need is another way to put dialog into battle, i don't matter what way (if possible i prefer message like in FinalFantasyVI with an helpwindow on the top with the message that appear and after a certain time disappear, or maybe a some kinda of message that with a keyimput disappear...)
pls help
Reward: Credit credit and credit XD

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