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menu request

What I'm requesting is a menu for a mostly completed game. The only thing is I'd like to touch up on the default menu.

I'm using a 6 member party, however, and have snap shots of what I would like, just incase my explanations aren't good.

I'd like the basic command menu (Item, skill, equip, etc) to be laid out horizontally insstead of vertical, at the very top of the screen. If possible I'd like to have a drop down menu with each action, available (also in screen shot). However, this isn't necessary - but you're willing to do the rest of the menu, then I'll drop it - 'nuff said. If you want to give it a shot, the spoiler below marked "Drop Menu" has the information on the drop down menu.

Other than basic things such as Gold, Step Count, Game Time, and Location (Map Name), I'd like to add three windows.

I'd like to add a window that displays a picture based on map ID. In the spoiler below - the first two, both - you'll see a quickly filtered picture of a cabin in the woords, that's what I mean. If map ID = X, then the picture with that map ID would go there.

I'd aslo like to add a "completion" window, that shows the total completion of the game. Basically, I was going to do this via an item, but I thought it would be easier in the window itself. I have a variable that, coincidentally, is added to via events after certain parts of the story begin - and all treasure chests are found. If all events (including side quests) are done, and all tresure chests have been collected, this variable reads 100 - which is pretty good.
I'd like to add a bar to that, to show the completion (in the pictures below) but if that's not doable, then forget the bar.

You'll see a window as well, in the first two shots that says "Lawful Good". I'd like this to read two variables. Both go from 1-100, and depending on where a variable is, changes one word. So let's say one variable is "Laws" and if the player bides by them then that variable would raise, if it went pass "65" it would say "Lawful". If the person did evil things, however, the other variable "good/bad" (in my game it's called that) would lower, and if it went below "35" iit would show "Evil".
The variable "Laws" goes in this method, incase you'd like to know:
1-35 = Chaotic, 36-64 = Unlawful, and 65-100 = Lawful.
The "good/bad" follows the same, but is:
1-35 = "Evil", 36-64 "Neutral" and "65-100" is Good

You'll notice that their is a 7th character, along with the 6 party members. This is "You", the "actor" that represents the player. They are not in the party (only 6 members), however I'd like for this window to be here anyway, when a certain switch is on - and when that switch is off, this window is gone.
When that switch is on, however, I'd like this window to work in the following ways:
"You" is the name of Actor 1 (the first actor in the database - You is the default name, but the player can change it). I'd like "Task Master" to be that actor's Job Class, and I'd like "Level X" (in the example, Level: 3" to be that player's level. This is not a party character, however, and should not be selectable with any of the menus (equip, status, etc...).
To do that to Actor ID 1, the player would have to have that switch mentioned earlier set to off (when the combat party comes in, the events remove Actor ID 1 from party and add in the others - and turns on the switch, just if anyone had any questions on why this 7th character in the menu is an actor, but isn't treated as one in this menu)
The picture shown, should be attached, like the other characters, to the job class.

I'd like have a way to edit how the maps are written out, as I've some maps for organization have odd names like "catcmsmz3" (Catacomb Maze 3) that I'd like to not have to rename, yet have the name read "Catacombs, Sub Level 3" for example, but have the option to go 2 lines, not just one.

The other thing is the background image, but I've seen a window script that allows for you to add background images, and the like, so I can do those. The images in the spoiler are for size, I'm sure those are the dimensions and like I'd want, however I'm not so sure I'd like those colors - so I'll do those myself.

And lastly I'd like the characters to show on the menu, not as battlers or as their graphic, but as an image in the pictures folder (or wherever) link to their job classes.

If you need more information from me you can respond or PM me for anything. If you want to know the sizes and X/Y I'll try to figure them out perfectly - I made it so I can unmake it heh.

Item: Use | Trade | Drop.
Use would open up the item inventory, Trade would call up a custom scripted or evented shop, that's not finished yet... sadly (if a certain job class is in party). Drop would open up the item window, but instead of selecting an item to use, you discard it.

Skill: Use | View Skills
Use would allow the player to view a character's skills, via selection like normal. However, only skills usable (if needed added to a hash in the script or something, tagged even) would be viewable, the rest wouldn't show up - so only skills usable all the time, or only on the field are usable. View Skills would open up the normal skill menu, though if you'd like you can disable using skills here, but it doesn't matter to me if they can use from the view or not - if not, it would just show all learned skills, but not allow usage of skills.

Equip (Yes, I know I misspelled Equip in the screen shot, sorry) This has no drown down menu, you simply select the character and equipment normally.

Status: Normal status screen...

Save Save | Load
Safe would open up the save menu, where as Load would allow the player to load from a Save menu - hopefully with a "Are you sure you'd like to quit, and load a new game?" like message. Load is optional, if you'd like you can drop it and just open up the basic save menu.

Quit: Reset | Shut Down
Reset is a basic "To Title", whereas Shut Down simply shuts down, that is all.
This is how I designed it, although I didn't know what to put in certain areas, although I figured it out. This is just to show the frame of it, I guess.

"Other Menu" is the alignment that must be read off of a variable, discussed above.
"Variable Picture is wrong, I've figured out a much better way to do that.
"other wording" is explained above.

Thanks for reading.
If you decide to help me, thanks in advance.
Reminds me of the Tales of Eternia menu. There were 6 character slots aligned like you have them now. But everything was ontop instead of the side.

Well good-luck.
This sounds intriguing... I'll have a go at it.

I suppose the only things I'll need for now are... the fonts you want used, and which variables and switches are being used for each part (or if you like, I'll just label those, and let you change them later)
I think Ariel is the default font right? I'd prefer to use that - if it is ariel, so the text doesn't clash with the text in the rest of the game, such as dialog.

If you want the variable and switch IDs:
The switch I mentioned about the "7th character" is Switch 001
The variables are as follows:
"completion" 001
"good/bad" 002
"laws" 003

The job classes for the "Trade" option in Shop (if you would like to do this as well) are 17 and 18. But, that would only work if using the drown down menu, which if is difficult you don't have to do (I can set up a skill for that, but would like the menu option).

Thank you very, very much for taking a go with it:D .
I think the default's Tahoma?

So you don't want the font that you used in the example then?

And I've experimented with drop down menus before, so they shouldn't be too bad to do.
Oh, thought it was Ariel.

Then Tahoma is perfectly fine.
I used Ariel and Fixedsys, and come to think of it I like the look of the Fixedsys being used for the Actor's names, HP, SP and such - if it's not a problem I'd like to keep that.

But if it's too much to split the font between the windows (I wouldn't know, sorry) then Tahoma all the way.

thanks again

Or as Yeyinde says MS PGothic heh

I don't have MS PGothic in my font's folder - it doesn't install the font straight to there?
If you have MS PGothic or Tahoma, then that on all windows except the character windows showing names and HP (including the 7th character) would be lovely. On those using Fixedsys.

I don't believe there is a difference between MS PGothic and Tahoma - I just googled it and copied a preview of the font from an online store, and pasted it in photoshop. Using the Tahoma font I sized it to scale, and it perfectly was able to cover the ABC (except the anti-aliasing was present which made it look funny). There doesn't appear to be any difference, except MS PGothic contains Japanese lettering (I'm not sure which type).

Thanks again.
Just a quick update before I go to bed (and work early tomorrow... so I wouldn't be on till later tomorrow)
For whatever reason, I can't get Fixedsys to work. I might try again with it tomorrow.
Picture sizes are a little off, but I'll play with them tomorrow as well. I wasn't too worried about them tonight, just wanted to get the basic shell done.
Pretty much just the "7th member" and the completion bar to go. Oh, and making the commands in the top window actually do stuff :p
Oh, and in your example screenshot, you had the completetion bar filling from right to left. Is that how you want it? (It seems backwards to me, so I just wanted to check before moving forward on it)
So far that's perfect!

As for fixedsys not working, that's fine if you want to scrap it.

And for picture sizes, if it's too much of a pain I can do the pictures to have a white border on the left and right - to match with the window frames. Wouldn't be difficult at all really.

If you think a better picture size would be in order, then do it that way if you need to shrink the pictures, just lemme know or add in a comment in the script and I'll see it and size the pics accordingly - I have yet to scan the pics I'll be using - I wanted to see if someone would pick up this request before goign threw all that work of scanning, CGing, and so on.

The shell is great, thank you very much thus far!
When this is done just let me know how to credit you for the script and I'll do so - if you want a specific name other than Racheal, or would like to be named by or as an NPC somewhere (as I'm doing with some other people credited - some are background NPCs others are mentioned by NPCs, but all are in credits)
All I can say is : Damn, looks perfect :thumb:!

I'll definitely owe you one or two for this!

Thanks so far, and yeah I'll be saying thanks a lot more I know in the time to come heh.

Great job from what the screenies show!
:D I can't thank you enough.:D
This is, honestly, better than I would ever have expected. No, really.
If there's anything I can do, in thanks, just let me know!

I'll respond to your PM as well, for an additional question - hope you don't mind. Just about credit and things.

Once again, thank you!
Well, you made my life easier by being really detailed with the request ^^ And it was all mostly stuff I had played with before. (Particularly drop menus.. I had recently done something similar for my shop). Actually, the heavily detailed request is prob what gave me the urge to work on this.

Anyways, glad you like it ^^

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