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Masive script ideas brainstrom

I dont know if this is the best place for this. I know the topic called scripting ideas, but its diferent, because that are ideas studied by scripters.

The idea is that this thread become a masive braistrom where any scripter can look easy searching for ideas to script.

Any user can post ideas or systems, but, just think before if it already exist. Also this is diferent that script request, because its not about requesting a script you want to use, just to make a list of nice or bad ideas.
To be honest, I don't really see the difference between this and Zeriabs thread as clearly as you... you're either trying to create a topic that's more focussed on technical stuff, or less... either way, no reason that it shouldn't be included in the original thread...

Not trying to hate, but personally, I'd prefer to stick to a single topic, which would be Zeriabs, for the reasons that it's a) more established already, and b) better documented

Either way, I'm sure both threads would benefit from better descriptions of the actual ideas than what medina's post holds... ^^"

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