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Map Wrapping script


I need a map wrapping script, non-SDK, to create maps like world maps that join itself together.
I have used this script before:

# â–  Wrap_Map V2


#  By Dirtie.

#   Allows chosen map(s) to "wrap-around", ie. go continuously.

#   Just add "_wrap" to the end of the map name for the map you want to be wrapped.

#   Many thanks to Rataime for all the event code, Dubealex for helping me out,

#   Deke for the map checker script, and to everyone else that contributed.




# â–¼ CLASS Game_Temp (edit)

#      Script to check for "_wrap" in the map name.

#      This is taken and modified from Deke's Day/Night and Time System script.

#      If you would like to use something other than "_wrap" to check for,

#      change _wrap to whatever you want on lines 30 and 34


class Game_Temp


 attr_reader    :map_infos

 attr_reader    :outside_array


 alias wrap_original_game_temp_initialize initialize


 def initialize


   @map_infos = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")


   for key in @map_infos.keys



   for key in @map_infos.keys

     @map_infos[key] = @map_infos[key].name








# â–¼ CLASS Game_Map (edit)

#      First, sets up the variable "wrap" for use in the event script later.

#      Then checks to see if "_wrap" is in the map name;

#      If not, uses default scrolling options for respective edge of map.

#      If so, tells viewport to keep scrolling in the respective direction when actor is near edge of map.


class Game_Map


 attr_accessor :wrap


 alias wrap_original_game_map_scroll_left scroll_left

 alias wrap_original_game_map_scroll_right scroll_right

 alias wrap_original_game_map_scroll_up scroll_up

 alias wrap_original_game_map_scroll_down scroll_down


# Left

 def scroll_left(distance)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]



     @display_x = [@display_x - distance].max




# Right

 def scroll_right(distance)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]



     @display_x = [@display_x + distance].min




# Top

 def scroll_up(distance)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]



     @display_y = [@display_y - distance].max




# Bottom

 def scroll_down(distance)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]



     @display_y = [@display_y + distance].min







# â–¼ CLASS Game_Player (edit)

#      Makes sure viewport stays centered on player, particularly when teleporting near edges.


class Game_Player


 alias wrap_original_game_player_center center


 def center(x, y)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]

     wrap_original_game_player_center(x, y)


     max_x = ($game_map.width + 20) * 128

     max_y = ($game_map.height + 15) * 128

     $game_map.display_x = [-20 * 128, [x * 128 - CENTER_X, max_x].min].max

     $game_map.display_y = [-15 * 128, [y * 128 - CENTER_Y, max_y].min].max







# â–¼ CLASS Check_Coordinates

#      Checks for coordinates and keyboard input, then teleports if conditions are met.


class Check_Coordinates



# ● Handles left edge


 def refresh_left

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


     if $game_player.real_x == 0

       if Input.press?(Input::LEFT)

         def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

           return true


         @left_trigger = true







# ● Handles right edge


 def refresh_right

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


     @map_width_max = ($game_map.width - 1) * 128

     if $game_player.real_x == @map_width_max

       if Input.press?(Input::RIGHT)

         def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

           return true


         @right_trigger = true







# ● Handles top edge


 def refresh_top

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


     if $game_player.real_y == 0

       if Input.press?(Input::UP)

         def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

           return true


         @top_trigger = true







# ● Handles bottom edge


 def refresh_bottom

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


     @map_height_max = ($game_map.height - 1) * 128

     if $game_player.real_y == @map_height_max

       if Input.press?(Input::DOWN)

         def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

           return true


         @bottom_trigger = true







# ● Left teleport


 def left_trigger

   if @left_trigger == true

     if $game_player.real_x == -128

       $game_player.moveto(($game_map.width - 1), $game_player.y)

       def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

         new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)

         new_y = y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)

         unless $game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y)

           return false


         if $DEBUG and Input.press?(Input::CTRL)

           return true




       @left_trigger = false






# ● Right teleport


 def right_trigger

   if @right_trigger == true

     if $game_player.real_x == ($game_map.width * 128)

       $game_player.moveto(0, $game_player.y)

       def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

         new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)

         new_y = y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)

         unless $game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y)

           return false


         if $DEBUG and Input.press?(Input::CTRL)

           return true




       @right_trigger = false






# ● Top teleport


 def top_trigger

   if @top_trigger == true

     if $game_player.real_y == -128

       $game_player.moveto($game_player.x, ($game_map.height - 1))

       def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

         new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)

         new_y = y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)

         unless $game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y)

           return false


         if $DEBUG and Input.press?(Input::CTRL)

           return true




       @top_trigger = false






# ● Bottom teleport


 def bottom_trigger

   if @bottom_trigger == true

     if $game_player.real_y == ($game_map.height * 128)

       $game_player.moveto($game_player.x, 0)

       def $game_player.passable?(x, y, d)

         new_x = x + (d == 6 ? 1 : d == 4 ? -1 : 0)

         new_y = y + (d == 2 ? 1 : d == 8 ? -1 : 0)

         unless $game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y)

           return false


         if $DEBUG and Input.press?(Input::CTRL)

           return true




       @bottom_trigger = false








# â–¼ CLASS Sprite_Duplicate

#      A copy of the Sprite_Character class, with some adjustments made.

#      Used to create the duplicate event sprites.


class Sprite_Duplicate < RPG::Sprite


 attr_accessor :character # @character is the original event


 def initialize(viewport, character = nil, x = 0, y = 0)

   @x = x

   @y = y


   @character = character





 def update


   if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or

     @character_name != @character.character_name or

     @character_hue != @character.character_hue

       @tile_id = @character.tile_id

       @character_name = @character.character_name

       @character_hue = @character.character_hue

       if @tile_id >= 384

         self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, @tile_id, @character.character_hue)

         self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32)

         self.ox = 16

         self.oy = 32


         self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@character.character_name, @character.character_hue)

         @cw = bitmap.width / 4

         @ch = bitmap.height / 4

         self.ox = @cw / 2

         self.oy = @ch



   self.visible = (not @character.transparent)

   if @tile_id == 0

     sx = @character.pattern * @cw

     sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch

     self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)


   # The coordinates of the duplicate event sprite. They are relative to the original event,

   # so the duplicates will move and act as the original does; except the z coordinate,

   # as when the original sprite would be of range, the duplicate would not appear.

   self.x = @character.screen_x + @x

   self.y = @character.screen_y + @y

   self.z = @z

   self.opacity = @character.opacity

   self.blend_type = @character.blend_type

   self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth

   if @character.animation_id != 0

     animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id]

     animation(animation, true)

     @character.animation_id = 0







# â–¼ CLASS Sprite_Character (edit)

#      Used to create the duplicate sprites.


class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite


 alias wrap_original_sprite_character_initialize initialize

 alias wrap_original_sprite_character_update update


 def initialize(viewport, character = nil)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]

     wrap_original_sprite_character_initialize(viewport, character)


     @character = character


     if $game_map.wrap == nil

       $game_map.wrap = []


     # 8 duplicates are created, stored in the $game_map.wrap array

     if character.is_a?(Game_Event)

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, (-$game_map.width * 32), 0))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, 0, (-$game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, ($game_map.width * 32), 0))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, 0, ($game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, (-$game_map.width * 32), (-$game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, ($game_map.width * 32), ($game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, (-$game_map.width * 32), ($game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, ($game_map.width * 32), (-$game_map.height * 32)))


     wrap_original_sprite_character_initialize(viewport, @character)





# ● Updates each sprite in the $game_map.wrap array


 def update

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]




     if $game_map.wrap != [] and character.is_a?(Game_Player)

       for duplicate in $game_map.wrap

         if duplicate != nil











# â–¼ CLASS Spriteset_Map (edit)

#      Prevents "disposed sprite" errors



class Spriteset_Map


 alias wrap_original_spriteset_map_initialize initialize


 def initialize








# â–¼ CLASS Scene_Save (edit)

#      Prevent save errors


class Scene_Save < Scene_File


 alias wrap_original_scene_save_write_save_data write_save_data


 def write_save_data(file)

   $game_map.wrap = nil







# â–¼ CLASS Scene Map (edit)

#      Initiates a loop for the methods of the Check_Coordinates class


class Scene_Map


 $coordinate_check = Check_Coordinates.new


 alias wrap_original_scene_map_update update


 def update

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]















However wuth this script, it gives me the very annoying error as soon as I try to save the game after stepping over the map boundary to wrap (if you understand)

Is there any other script that will wrap the map with out this error? Or if not, can this script be fixed?

Thank you :)
Nevermind, here is a working script for you all(massive thanks to BwdYeti :))


# â–  Wrap_Map V2


#  By Dirtie, edited by BwdYeti

#   Allows chosen map(s) to "wrap-around", ie. go continuously.

#   Just add "_wrap" to the end of the map name for the map you want to be wrapped.

#   Many thanks to Rataime for all the event code, Dubealex for helping me out,

#   Deke for the map checker script, and to everyone else that contributed.




# â–¼ CLASS Game_Temp (edit)

#      Script to check for "." in the map name.

#      This is taken and modified from Deke's Day/Night and Time System script.

#      If you would like to use something other than "." to check for,

#      change . to whatever you want on lines 30 and 34


class Game_Temp


 attr_reader    :map_infos

 attr_reader    :outside_array


 alias wrap_original_game_temp_initialize initialize


 def initialize


   @map_infos = load_data("Data/MapInfos.rxdata")


   for key in @map_infos.keys



   for key in @map_infos.keys

     @map_infos[key] = @map_infos[key].name








# â–¼ CLASS Game_Map (edit)

#      First, sets up the variable "wrap" for use in the event script later.

#      Then checks to see if "_wrap" is in the map name;

#      If not, uses default scrolling options for respective edge of map.

#      If so, tells viewport to keep scrolling in the respective direction when actor is near edge of map.


class Game_Map


 attr_accessor :wrap


 alias wrap_original_game_map_scroll_left scroll_left

 alias wrap_original_game_map_scroll_right scroll_right

 alias wrap_original_game_map_scroll_up scroll_up

 alias wrap_original_game_map_scroll_down scroll_down


# Left

 def scroll_left(distance)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]



     @display_x = [@display_x - distance].max




# Right

 def scroll_right(distance)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]



     @display_x = [@display_x + distance].min




# Top

 def scroll_up(distance)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]



     @display_y = [@display_y - distance].max




# Bottom

 def scroll_down(distance)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]



     @display_y = [@display_y + distance].min







# â–¼ CLASS Game_Player (edit)

#      Makes sure viewport stays centered on player, particularly when teleporting near edges.


class Game_Player


 alias wrap_original_game_player_center center


 def center(x, y)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]

     wrap_original_game_player_center(x, y)


     max_x = ($game_map.width + 20) * 128

     max_y = ($game_map.height + 15) * 128

     $game_map.display_x = [-20 * 128, [x * 128 - CENTER_X, max_x].min].max

     $game_map.display_y = [-15 * 128, [y * 128 - CENTER_Y, max_y].min].max





  def fix_location

    @x = @x % $game_map.width

    @y = @y % $game_map.height



  alias_method :wrap_player_passable?, :passable?

  def passable?(x, y, d)

    unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]

      return wrap_player_passable?(x, y, d)


      if ((d == 2 and y == $game_map.height - 1) or (d == 4 and x == 0) or

          (d == 6 and x == $game_map.width - 1) or (d == 8 and y == 0))



        return wrap_player_passable?(x, y, d)





  # * Determine if Passable at Edge of Map


  def map_edge_passable?(x, y, d)

    x = x % $game_map.width

    y = y % $game_map.height

    # Get new coordinates

    new_x = (d == 6 ? 0 : d == 4 ? $game_map.width - 1 : x)

    new_y = (d == 2 ? 0 : d == 8 ? $game_map.height - 1 : y)

    # If coordinates are outside of map

    unless $game_map.valid?(new_x, new_y)

      # impassable

      return false


    # If through is ON

    if @through

      # passable

      return true


    # If unable to leave first move tile in designated direction

    unless $game_map.passable?(x, y, d, self)

      # impassable

      return false


    # If unable to enter move tile in designated direction

    unless $game_map.passable?(new_x, new_y, 10 - d)

      # impassable

      return false


    # Loop all events

    for event in $game_map.events.values

      # If event coordinates are consistent with move destination

      if event.x == new_x and event.y == new_y

        # If through is OFF

        unless event.through

          # If self is event

          if self != $game_player

            # impassable

            return false


          # With self as the player and partner graphic as character

          if event.character_name != ""

            # impassable

            return false





    # If player coordinates are consistent with move destination

    if $game_player.x == new_x and $game_player.y == new_y

      # If through is OFF

      unless $game_player.through

        # If your own graphic is the character

        if @character_name != ""

          # impassable

          return false




    # passable

    return true





# â–¼ CLASS Check_Coordinates

#      Checks for coordinates and keyboard input, then teleports if conditions are met.


class Check_Coordinates



# ● Handles left edge


 def refresh_left

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


     if $game_player.real_x == 0

       if Input.press?(Input::LEFT)

         @left_trigger = true







# ● Handles right edge


 def refresh_right

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


     @map_width_max = ($game_map.width - 1) * 128

     if $game_player.real_x == @map_width_max

       if Input.press?(Input::RIGHT)

         @right_trigger = true







# ● Handles top edge


 def refresh_top

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


     if $game_player.real_y == 0

       if Input.press?(Input::UP)

         @top_trigger = true







# ● Handles bottom edge


 def refresh_bottom

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]


     @map_height_max = ($game_map.height - 1) * 128

     if $game_player.real_y == @map_height_max

       if Input.press?(Input::DOWN)

         @bottom_trigger = true







# ● Left teleport


 def left_trigger

   if @left_trigger == true

     if $game_player.real_x == -128

       $game_player.moveto(($game_map.width - 1), $game_player.y)

       @left_trigger = false






# ● Right teleport


 def right_trigger

   if @right_trigger == true

     if $game_player.real_x == ($game_map.width * 128)

       $game_player.moveto(0, $game_player.y)

       @right_trigger = false






# ● Top teleport


 def top_trigger

   if @top_trigger == true

     if $game_player.real_y == -128

       $game_player.moveto($game_player.x, ($game_map.height - 1))

       @top_trigger = false






# ● Bottom teleport


 def bottom_trigger

   if @bottom_trigger == true

     if $game_player.real_y == ($game_map.height * 128)

       $game_player.moveto($game_player.x, 0)

       @bottom_trigger = false








# â–¼ CLASS Sprite_Duplicate

#      A copy of the Sprite_Character class, with some adjustments made.

#      Used to create the duplicate event sprites.


class Sprite_Duplicate < RPG::Sprite


 attr_accessor :character # @character is the original event


 def initialize(viewport, character = nil, x = 0, y = 0)

   @x = x

   @y = y


   @character = character





 def update


   if @tile_id != @character.tile_id or

     @character_name != @character.character_name or

     @character_hue != @character.character_hue

       @tile_id = @character.tile_id

       @character_name = @character.character_name

       @character_hue = @character.character_hue

       if @tile_id >= 384

         self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.tile($game_map.tileset_name, @tile_id, @character.character_hue)

         self.src_rect.set(0, 0, 32, 32)

         self.ox = 16

         self.oy = 32


         self.bitmap = RPG::Cache.character(@character.character_name, @character.character_hue)

         @cw = bitmap.width / 4

         @ch = bitmap.height / 4

         self.ox = @cw / 2

         self.oy = @ch



   self.visible = (not @character.transparent)

   if @tile_id == 0

     sx = @character.pattern * @cw

     sy = (@character.direction - 2) / 2 * @ch

     self.src_rect.set(sx, sy, @cw, @ch)


   # The coordinates of the duplicate event sprite. They are relative to the original event,

   # so the duplicates will move and act as the original does; except the z coordinate,

   # as when the original sprite would be of range, the duplicate would not appear.

   self.x = @character.screen_x + @x

   self.y = @character.screen_y + @y

   self.z = @z

   self.opacity = @character.opacity

   self.blend_type = @character.blend_type

   self.bush_depth = @character.bush_depth

   if @character.animation_id != 0

     animation = $data_animations[@character.animation_id]

     animation(animation, true)

     @character.animation_id = 0







# â–¼ CLASS Sprite_Character (edit)

#      Used to create the duplicate sprites.


class Sprite_Character < RPG::Sprite


 alias wrap_original_sprite_character_initialize initialize

 alias wrap_original_sprite_character_update update


 def initialize(viewport, character = nil)

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]

     wrap_original_sprite_character_initialize(viewport, character)


     @character = character


     if $game_map.wrap == nil

       $game_map.wrap = []


     # 8 duplicates are created, stored in the $game_map.wrap array

     if character.is_a?(Game_Event)

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, (-$game_map.width * 32), 0))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, 0, (-$game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, ($game_map.width * 32), 0))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, 0, ($game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, (-$game_map.width * 32), (-$game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, ($game_map.width * 32), ($game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, (-$game_map.width * 32), ($game_map.height * 32)))

       $game_map.wrap.push(Sprite_Duplicate.new(viewport, character, ($game_map.width * 32), (-$game_map.height * 32)))


     wrap_original_sprite_character_initialize(viewport, @character)





# ● Updates each sprite in the $game_map.wrap array


 def update

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]




     if $game_map.wrap != [] and character.is_a?(Game_Player)

       for duplicate in $game_map.wrap

         if duplicate != nil











# â–¼ CLASS Spriteset_Map (edit)

#      Prevents "disposed sprite" errors



class Spriteset_Map


 alias wrap_original_spriteset_map_initialize initialize


 def initialize








# â–¼ CLASS Scene_Save (edit)

#      Prevent save errors


class Scene_Save < Scene_File


 alias wrap_original_scene_save_write_save_data write_save_data


 def write_save_data(file)

   $game_map.wrap = nil







# â–¼ CLASS Scene Map (edit)

#      Initiates a loop for the methods of the Check_Coordinates class


class Scene_Map


 $coordinate_check = Check_Coordinates.new


 alias wrap_original_scene_map_update update


 def update

   unless $game_temp.outside_array[$game_map.map_id]
















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