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Map Edge and Display Pic Question



The first question is a little complicated... i think. Is there a way to "extend"the edge of the map by 175px in all directions? Sorry if that doesn't make since. Basicly i'm wondering if there is a way to add a 5 tile blackborder around a map. Why not just add it on the map itself? I don't want to manually add a border to every map i've made... Why would i want this? I want it so that the edge of the map doesn't hit the top or sides of the screen...

My second question is most likly the easiest to answer. What is the best way to display a picture over a map? I'd like to add a minimap to the top left of my screen, but i can never get the image to be above the map.

Thank you for whatever answers you can give me.
Well you can do it with an event on every map.

First, make the picture and save it in the 'Pictures' folder, then Import it using the 'Resource Manager' then create an event, and on the third page of 'Event Commands' at the top in the second row is a 'Show Picture'. Choose the picture file and hit okay. (Set the even to 'Parallel Process' also.

If you meant so that it updates I have no idea. :(

Hope this helps!

As for the first question you would manually have to skip over 5 spaces when starting your map. All of those white-ish boxes will be black in game.

If you want you could select your map, do cut, then position where you want it and paste. (That way you shouldn't have to re-map very much)

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