Envision, Create, Share

Welcome to HBGames, a leading amateur game development forum and Discord server. All are welcome, and amongst our ranks you will find experts in their field from all aspects of video game design and development.

Make Something Play Something 2021


Oh lawd it's coming!

We're planning a special edition of HBGames.org the eZine for October, which is why we have a contest end date of October 20th.

The reviews category of the contest is designed to generate nice content for this and we will also be spotlighting other parts of the contest, as well as throwing in reviews, ideas, news and other content relating to the October holiday season.

Use this thread to suggest ideas or discuss the mag!
You can review any game on the site, but here are some ideas for games whose reviews would make it into the Hallo'zine.

Horror Games

One Night Series (Horror)

Suitably Dark Games

Hallowe'en Themed Games

That is not to say these are the only games you can review, these are simply some ideas. You can review as many as you like!


Mage of Light

Thinking about making some Halloween/autumn themed tiles in Snowball/Fiora style. Prolly will pack some more standardish tiles in a separate pack for the sake of usability.
update: 9/19/21 (in same post because I don't want to double post)
I've started drafting out some things on paper. Pretty soon I'll likely start making tiles for them.

I feel like I need more stuff for this tileset, even if I do stick with exterior stuff.

(I'm assuming this is the right place to post progress reports now that the contest has started?)
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Psyche Loche, The Lady Puppet and Karma Flow could be good shouts too. I realise we need to add two of those to the games manager still?


Chaos Goddess

Also while not exclusively a horror game it is one with a lot of disturbing and existential elements, to the point one of the central antagonists is known as the Embodiment of Terror

Yes, I am talking about my game, Fantasia~!

Click boxart above to be taken to the game page~
Game Jam (contest prize: 50% of the prize pool)
For games made to the loose Hallowe'en theme (which can include simply horror games or games with dark themes, or any other games that you can construe to relate to the theme). Games must have been started on or after 20th September 2021, not counting resources, assets and plugins.

Please upload your game to an external file host - itch.io, RPGMaker.net or Steam will do. After this you can either:

  1. Create a game page by using "add game" on [this page].
  2. Send a message to Ellie, either on the forums or Discord, with a link to your game download, and any screenshots or videos if available and a description of your game and she will set up your game page for you.
Graphical Resources (contest prize: 15% of the prize pool)
For graphical resources or assets relating to the theme of Hallowe'en, again including horror, darkness, etc.

Please upload your graphics to the resource manager and in the description note that they are a contest entry.

Musical/Audio Resources (contest prize: 15% of the prize pool)
For music and sound relating to the theme of Hallowe'en, horror or darkness.

Please upload to the resource manager making note in the description that they are a contest entry.

Reviews (contest prize: 20% of the prize pool)
Reviews of any games on our site. A list of horror games is provided in the forum for suggestions for games to review, but you may review any game on the site. Please provide a couple of screenshots of your own gameplay, and reviews must be longer than 250 words to be accepted.

You can post your review to the game in question by using the Rating system. When rating a game you are able to enter a review. Alternatively you can post it as a reply to this thread, making note of which game it is for; you can also send your review as a private message to Ellie on the forums.
Games in Development

If you would like to start a hype train while developing your game feel free to add your games as a Game in Development where you can create a game page ready. The benefit of this is that you do not need to spend your final day building your game page.

Thank you for viewing

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