Welcome to [/FONT]Maestro's Pixel Shoppe. Call it a gallery or a compilation of sorts, but this is where you will be able to view the progress of my original characters and objects and/or recruit me for your project. I would also like to point out that these pieces are at complete random and there is absolutely no valuable use for them in any game making engine (to my knowledge). Yes, unfortunately these works are the result of my boredom and love for spriting.
On that note, I had this moved out of the Resources Analysis forum considering I've always been a little apprehensive to the thought of people using my original works in games they are ever so bound to give up on. So in light of this fear, it is my duty that I lawyer up a little copyright protection notice along with the gallery.
By viewing this thread, you agree to abide by the below terms.
Maestro's Pixel Shoppe and all of its art pieces are for viewing purposes only. You may not use, distribute, sell, license, upload, download, edit (to include but not limit to: recolouring, pixel shifting, animating or changing the appearance by any means), claim ownership of any posted pieces, post, repost, thread, re-thread or modify these pixel pieces in any shape or form. You are also not allowed to claim affiliation with me in any shape or form in order to break this agreement.
You are in fact allowed to link back to this thread for any reason, just as long as my intellectual property rights are not violated *see above restrictions*.
Maestro's Pixel Shoppe and all of its art pieces are for viewing purposes only. You may not use, distribute, sell, license, upload, download, edit (to include but not limit to: recolouring, pixel shifting, animating or changing the appearance by any means), claim ownership of any posted pieces, post, repost, thread, re-thread or modify these pixel pieces in any shape or form. You are also not allowed to claim affiliation with me in any shape or form in order to break this agreement.
You are in fact allowed to link back to this thread for any reason, just as long as my intellectual property rights are not violated *see above restrictions*.
Character Information[/FONT]
[/FONT] Character Name[/FONT] : Brutus Ferris Leroy
Character Age[/FONT] : 42
Character Weight[/FONT] (Unladen) : 99.7 kg
Character Weight[/FONT] (Laden) : 129.2 kg
Character Height[/FONT] : 1.95 metres
Character Bio[/FONT]:
Brutus Ferris Leroy is the guardian of Samus Aran (the main playable character in the Metroid game series) chosen by the Chozo after her mother and father (Rodney and Virginia Aran) were killed by space pirates on K-2L. Not much is known about this figure due to his "behind the scenes" nature, but the truth of the matter is, is that Brutus doesn't keep in contact with her all that much due to her constant travels and missions brought down by the Federation. He doesn't let this get him down because he realises that there are other important issues that need to be addressed (like the Metroid invasions).
Brutus is a high ranking officer in the Galactic Federation, and has been honoured numerous times due to his actions on and off the field. He wears his outdated, green powersuit with the latest cannon blaster because it holds special meaning to him. Fortunately, he has never been critically injured, even in the hardest of all battles.
[/FONT] Character Name[/FONT] : Brutus Ferris Leroy
Character Age[/FONT] : 42
Character Weight[/FONT] (Unladen) : 99.7 kg
Character Weight[/FONT] (Laden) : 129.2 kg
Character Height[/FONT] : 1.95 metres
Character Bio[/FONT]:
Brutus Ferris Leroy is the guardian of Samus Aran (the main playable character in the Metroid game series) chosen by the Chozo after her mother and father (Rodney and Virginia Aran) were killed by space pirates on K-2L. Not much is known about this figure due to his "behind the scenes" nature, but the truth of the matter is, is that Brutus doesn't keep in contact with her all that much due to her constant travels and missions brought down by the Federation. He doesn't let this get him down because he realises that there are other important issues that need to be addressed (like the Metroid invasions).
Brutus is a high ranking officer in the Galactic Federation, and has been honoured numerous times due to his actions on and off the field. He wears his outdated, green powersuit with the latest cannon blaster because it holds special meaning to him. Fortunately, he has never been critically injured, even in the hardest of all battles.
Creator[/FONT] : Maestro
Date Started[/FONT] : 12/27/2006
Date Completed : 12/28/2006
Number of Colours[/FONT] : 31
Date Started[/FONT] : 12/27/2006
Date Completed : 12/28/2006
Number of Colours[/FONT] : 31
Character Information[/FONT]
[/FONT] Character Name[/FONT] : Cyborg XT-130
Character Age[/FONT] : XT-130 Model (Approx. 20 years)
Character Weight[/FONT] : 351.98 kg
Character Height[/FONT] : 2.59 metres
Character Bio[/FONT]:
Cyborg XT (X-Type) 130 was created during the the Zeon mobilisation of Tyrr as the primary attack force against the Levitian armies eighteen years ago. Planetary Commander, Paul Stone, noticed that they were in the need of a heavily armoured cyborgs shortly after discovering that the Levitian race possessed a mass of highly trained, transmutated foot soldiers capable of drove stealth operations.
During production, Cybertron Inc. introduced a wide variety of new technologies in the -X- type Cyborg. This was to include the latest heat sensory equipment, voice recognition systems, DCI recognition, cryogenic resistance technologies and the latest W.A.S.P (Wombat Aggravated Safety Protocol) softwares (this allowed the cyborg to automatically activate its survival AI in retaliation to enemy fire without receiving electronic imprints from Data Command).
Although the technology is outdated, the massive XT-130 cyborg is still primarily used as the basis for the advancement of newer models.
[/FONT] Character Name[/FONT] : Cyborg XT-130
Character Age[/FONT] : XT-130 Model (Approx. 20 years)
Character Weight[/FONT] : 351.98 kg
Character Height[/FONT] : 2.59 metres
Character Bio[/FONT]:
Cyborg XT (X-Type) 130 was created during the the Zeon mobilisation of Tyrr as the primary attack force against the Levitian armies eighteen years ago. Planetary Commander, Paul Stone, noticed that they were in the need of a heavily armoured cyborgs shortly after discovering that the Levitian race possessed a mass of highly trained, transmutated foot soldiers capable of drove stealth operations.
During production, Cybertron Inc. introduced a wide variety of new technologies in the -X- type Cyborg. This was to include the latest heat sensory equipment, voice recognition systems, DCI recognition, cryogenic resistance technologies and the latest W.A.S.P (Wombat Aggravated Safety Protocol) softwares (this allowed the cyborg to automatically activate its survival AI in retaliation to enemy fire without receiving electronic imprints from Data Command).
Although the technology is outdated, the massive XT-130 cyborg is still primarily used as the basis for the advancement of newer models.
Creator[/FONT] : Maestro
Date Started[/FONT] : 12/29/2006
Date Completed : Unfinished
Number of Colours[/FONT] : ?
Date Started[/FONT] : 12/29/2006
Date Completed : Unfinished
Number of Colours[/FONT] : ?
- Do you accept requests?
- Yes, I do accept requests.
- Can I request something RMXP related?
- No, you may not. This is Design and Development not the Resource Requests forum. If you want something created for your upcoming project, I would suggest you check out the Resources forums and request there.
- How do I request something?
- If you want me to sprite a single frame character/object, you must understand that the initial concept needs to be original. This means, I will not accept requests for professional character designs (which means that I will not sprite anything that you didn't think up yourself. Requests for professional character designs such as Cloud Strife, Samus, Goofy, Warcraft characters, Sora...ect) or figure heads such as Santa Claus, the Pope, George Bush, Celine Dion, will not be accepted. Use your imagination as I'm not going to rip off already made characters or people.
When requesting anything to be sprited, you need to be very specific (detailed) in the description. I'm a very detail-oriented person, so if I find that you have not provided enough information in your request, I am more than likely not going to do it. You are also going to need to provide a reference picture as to what you want sprited (preferrably drawn by you, or drawn by someone else and used with permission).
- Do you sprite animated characters/objects?
- Considering animation requires more than one frame, no I do not. Of course there is always the exception. If the animation requires little effort (scrolling lights, blinking buttons, breathing), then I probably won't have any objections to animating the piece.
- How long does one of your sprites take?
- The time frame to completion depends soley on the sprite job. If it requires a great deal of thought and complexity, it is going to take longer. Size, colour and detail also play an important factor in the overall completion time.
- What type of colour palette do you use?
- I don't use a colour palette on any of my sprites.
- Can I use the sprite after you have finished with it?
- If the idea is original (thought up by you), we can work something out. However, if the idea was thought up by someone else (you use someone else's concept), no, you may not. The intellectual property belongs to myself and that artist.
- What compelled you to start spriting?
- I would have to say my love for Street Fighter (SNES) and other high detailed Super Nintendo games. I suppose it is mostly contributed to my obsessive behaviour to be "good at everything". Who really knows, it's more of impulsive behaviour than anything.
- How long have you been spriting?
- I started to sprite when I was twelve years old. The first thing I ever created was an angel (MS Word clipart style). It looked like complete shit so I gave up on spriting for eight years, and just restarted two years ago. So...make what you will with the time frame.
- Do you like spriting?
- Actually, yes I do. There are sometimes when I become overly frustrated and give up on something for a few days, but it usually gets finished in the end.
- Do you offer a spriting service?
- Amongst other things, yes I do. See "Spriting Services" for details.
If you are interested in recruiting me for your upcoming project, you are more than welcome to pm me the details (please be descriptive). I do not do free spriting services and I will not charge you by the hour (unlike most spriters). All fees are attributed to the size of the job, which generally can range anywhere between $20 and up.
The only form of payment that I will accept at this time, is Paypal. So if you are interested in "hiring" me, I would suggest that you get yourself a Paypal account (it's free).
Fill out the following form and send it to me via private message. In the interest of combatting spam, I will not provide my main e-mail address until a decision has been reached on a job.
- [AGE* (Contract Purposes)] :
- [JOB TYPE (Temp or Full Project)] :
- [PROJECT URL***] :
** In order to provide the best possible contact method for a job, I'm going to either need you to define the contact method as being "private message" or "e-mail". I will not be accepting additions to instant messenger for these services.
*** A link to your project thread is essential in the decision to begin spriting for your project. The project thread doesn't necessarily have to be on RMXP.org, but it will make it a lot easier for me (as I don't want to register on other gaming forums).