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Lumberjack script & Karma Script

I started this script; The lumberjack script; a few months ago and I stopped to work on cause I can't make it work. Someone can help me to finish it?


#                            Lumberjack system                                 #

#                                                                              #

#    By: NuKa_BuBble                                                           #

#    Version: 1.0                                                              #

#    Started: 23/10/2011                                                       #

#                                                                              #

#    You can find me on these websites:                                        #

#    http://gameface101.playogame.com/                                         #

#                                                                              #

#    Special thank:                                                            #

#    mr_wiggles                                                                #

#    G@MeF@Ce                                                                  #

#                                                                              #

#    *** Must give credit ***                                                  #

#                                                                              #

#                                                                              #


#                                                                              #

#                      Tree graphics are needed                                #

#                                                                              #


#                                                                              #

#                              Instructions                                    #

#                                                                              #

# First, you need to learn the job. $ljob = true                               #

# Second step, add in an event $ttype and a value in 1 to 10                   #

# Call the script by using $game_party.perform_cut                             #

# Finally, do the second step but, set the value to 0                          #

#                                                                              #

#                                                                              #





#                                                                              #

#    Class Game_Party                                                          #

#                                                                              #


class Game_Party

  alias :lumbering_init :initialize

  def initialize


    # Lumberjack level

    @llvl = 1

    # Lumberjack experience ponts

    @lxp = 0

    # Energie amount gave to player

    @ener = 100

    @ener_max = 100

    # Check what's the tree type

    $ttype = 0

    # Lumberjack job is learned

    $ljob = false

    # The old lumberjack level

    @old_llvl = 0

    # Amount of experience gain when you cut a tree

    @lxp_gain = 0

    # Experience require to reach the next lumbering level

    @n_llvl = 0

    # Used to compute the energie

    @a = 10

    @b = 5

    # Used for the next lvl xp computing

    @c = 15

    # Check if the player have the required level to cut the type of tree

    @cctt = (@llvl / 10).ceil

    # Check if the player can cut

    @cc = nil

    # Check if the player is equip with a lumbering weapon

    @lweapon_id = [6, 7]

    # The number of logs gain, the logs ID and quality when you cut a tree

    @lnumber = 0

    @lquality = 0

    @id = 0

    @lid = $data_items[@id].id

    # Tree cut. Use to check if a tree was just cutted

    @tcut = false

  end # End of initialize method



#  For any reference the variables, search them in the initialize method #




#                                                      #

#        Check what happen when the player lvl up      #

#                                                      #


  def check_llvl_up

    if @lxp >= @n_llvl #If the xp are higher than the next llvl require xp

      @llvl += 1 #lvl up

      @a += 10 #Maximum energie + 10; See the energie computation before touch


    if @old_llvl != @llvl #If your old_llvl is not equal to your llvl

      next_llvl_xp_req #Call this method

      compute_ener #Call this method


    #If the llvl is located between 50 and 71, include, and if the player lvl up

    if ((@llvl >= 50) && (@llvl <= 70)) && @old_llvl != @llvl

      @b += 5 #Maximum energie - 5; See the energie computation before touch





#                                                      #

#       Check if theres any problem with the lvl       #

#                                                      #


  def check_llvl

    if @llvl < 1 #If the llvl is under 1

      @llvl = 1 #Set the llvl to 1

    elsif @llvl > 100 #If the llvl is higher than 100

      @llvl = 100 #Set the llvl to 100





#                                                      #

#       Compute the xp required to lvl up again        #

#                                                      #


  def next_llvl_xp_req

    if @old_llvl != @llvl #If your precedent llvl is not equal to your llvl

      @c * 1.75 #Variable C multiplied by 1.75

      @llvl + @c = @n_llvl.floor #llvl + C are equal to the next lvl rounded down

      @old_llvl = @llvl #Set the old level to the actual





#                                                      #

#           Compute the player xp gained               #

#                                                      #


  def compute_lxp

    #lnumber multiplied by lquality divided by 2 

    #multiplied by the ttype is equal to lxp_gain.

    ((@lnumber * @lquality)/2) * $ttype = @lxp_gain

    @lxp += @lxp_gain #Add the balance to your xp

    @lxp_gain = 0 #Set the lxp_gain to 0

    @quality = 0 #Set the quality to 0

    @lnumber = 0 #Set the lnumber to 0




#                                                      #

#      Energie computation                             #

#                                                      #


  def compute_ener

    if (@llvl >= 50) && (@llvl <= 70) #If your llvl is between 50 and 70 include

      @ener = (100 - b) + a #Set your energie to 100, substract B and add A

    elsif @llvl >= 71 #Else if your llvl is higher than 71, include

      @ener = a #Your energie equal to A; Not the original 100.


    @max_ener = @ener #Your maximum energie is equal to your actual energie




#                                                      #

#       Define a biased distribution                   #

#                                                      #


  def random(array)

    sum = array.inject {|sum, n| sum + n} 

    n = rand(sum) 

    array.each_with_index do |i, index|

    return index if n < i 

    n -= i 





#                                                      #

# Define the number and the quality of the gained wood #

#                                                      #


  def lgain

  #Call the method random with a sum of 600; Split the 6 to get the purcentage

    @lnumber = random([6, 12, 15, 20, 30, 517])

    case @lnumber #Work on the lnumber

      when 0 #If the number is the first in the list

        @lnumber = 10 #Set the lnumber to 10

        @lquality = 10 #Set the lquality to 10

      when 1 #If the number is the second in the list

        @lnumber = 5 #....

        @lquality = 5 #....

      when 2 #....

        @lnumber = 4 #....

        @lquality = 4 #....

      when 3 #....

        @lnumber = 3 #....

        @lquality = 3 #....

      when 4 #....

        @lnumber = 2 #....

        @lquality = 2 #....

      when 5 #....

        @lnumber = 1 #....

        @lquality = 1.5 #....





#                                                      #

#  Define the condition to cut                         #

#                                                      #


  def conditions

    #If the player is equip with a lumberig weapon AND he learned the job AND

    #his energie is higher than 0 AND if he can cut the tree type

    if @actors[0].weapon_id == @lweapon_id

      if $ljob == true

        if @ener > 0 

          if @cctt >= $ttype 

            if $ttype != 0

              @cc = true #The player can cut







      @cc = false #Else, (s)he can't cut





#                                                      #

#   Define if the player perform a cut                 #

#                                                      #


  def cut

    conditions #Call the conditions method

    if @cc == true #If ttype is equal to 0 AND can cut

      @tcut = true #The tree is cut


      @tcut = false #Else, the tree is not cut





#                                                      #

#  Define what happens when you cut                    #

#                                                      #


  def perform_cut

    #Point to the self switch C

    key = [$game_map.map_id, self.id, "C"]

    cut #Call the cut? method

      if @tcut == true #If the player can cut

      $game_self_switches[key] = true #Turn the self switch on


        if $ttype == 1 # If tree type is equal to 1

          @id = 100 # ID in the database

        elsif $ttype == 2

          @id = 101

        elsif $ttype == 3

          @id = 102

        elsif $ttype == 4

          @id = 103

        elsif $ttype == 5

          @id = 104

        elsif $ttype == 6

          @id = 105

        elsif $ttype == 7

          @id = 106

        elsif $ttype == 8

          @id = 107

        elsif $ttype == 9

          @id = 108

        elsif $ttype == 10

          @id = 109



      lgain #Call the lgain method

      compute_lxp #Call the compute_lxp method

        $game_party.gain_item(@lid, @lnumber) #The player gain the item X * number

        $game_variables[20] = @llvl #The variable 20 is equal to the llvl; To display it in a text

        $game_variables[21] = @lxp #...

        $game_variables[22] = @ener #...

        $game_variables[23] = @n_llvl #...

        $game_variables[24] = @max_ener #...

        @ener -= 5 #You lost 5 energie when you cut

        @lnumber = 0 #Reinitialize the lnumber gain

        @lquality = 0 #Reinitialize the lquality gain

        @id = 0 #Reinitialize the item id; See the lid variable

        $ttype = 0 #Reinitialize the tree type

      @tcut = false #Turn the tree cut off


    update #Call the update method; Very important



end #End of the class

This one is the Karma Script. I don't know how to make a HUD and the defeat process. I maked it work one day but, I lossed the working version. Back to start. :grin:


#                            Karma points system                               #

#                                                                              #

#   By: NuKa_BuBble                                                            #

#   Version: 1.0                                                               #

#   Info: I've rewrite the Moghunter Action Points Script to get a             #

#   Karma Script. This one can only be use in XAS 3.91                         #

#   [url=http://gameface101.playogame.com/]http://gameface101.playogame.com/[/url]                                          #

#                                                                              #

#                                                                              #

#   Based on the MOG AP System of XAS 3.91                                     #

#   [url=http://www.xasabs.wordpress.com]http://www.xasabs.wordpress.com[/url]                                            #

#                                                                              #

#   Must give credit to: Moghunter                                             #

#                                                                              #

#                                                                              #


#                                                                              #

#                        No Graphics needed                                    #

#                                                                              #




module NUKA


#Thats mean: Enemy Karma Gain

EKG = {



# A => B

2 => 2,  # Slime, give 2 Karma Points

3 => -2  # Cogu, retire 2 Karma Points


#------ The HUD Settings -----#

HUD_POS = [500, 10] #The HUD position on the map

HUD_VISIBLE = 25 #The switch to disble the HUD

HUD_FADE = true

HUD_HEIGHT = 5000 #The HUD priority on screen; The HUD Height on screen

#--- Karma Points Settings ---#

KARMA_NAME = "Karma" #Pop-up display when you kill an enemy in the EKG list

KARMA_ID = 25 #The value of the Karma is stock in the variable 25


KARMA_TYPE = 1 #0 is add to the player; 1 is add to a variable; value of KARMA_ID






#                                                                              #

#      Karma section                                                           #

#                                                                              #




#    Game_Actor                                                      #


class Game_Actor < Game_Battler

  attr_accessor :Karma



  #         Setup         #


  alias karma_points_setup setup

  def setup(actor_id)


    @karma = 0




  #      Karma Points     #


  def karma

    n = [[@karma, -9999999].max, 9999999].min





#    Game_Event                                                      #


class Game_Event < Game_Character



  #  Enemy defeat process  #


  alias karma_edp defeat_process

  def enemy_kill(enemy)







#    Game_Enemy                                                      #


class Game_Enemy < Game_Battler


  #      Initialize       #


  alias karma_initialize initialize

  def initialize(troop_id, member_index)

    karma_initialize(troop_id, member_index)

    @karma = 0




  #      Karma Points     #


  def karma

      v = NUKA::EKG[@enemy_id]

      n = v != nil ? v : v == nil ? 0 : 0

      return n    





#    Game_Party                                                      #


class Game_Party



  #      Gain Karma       #


    def gain_karma(karma)

      if NUKA::KARMA_TYPE == 1

         $game_variables[NUKA::KARMA_ID] += karma


        for i in 0...actor.size

          actor = $game_party.actors[i]

          actor.karma += karma

        end #End of for

      end #End of if

    end #End of define

end #End of class

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