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Lufia 2 Map Items



I dunno if something like this was already requested, but I thought it'd be cool if someone invented a script that would make it able a game, just like Lufia 2, to have tools to be used in maps like arrow, bombs or the hookshot.
It'd be pretty fun to make a game with those features since the amount of possible puzzles to be created would increase. =)
I developed the basic layout and the structure for the Map Object Manager script, for short MOM, which does exactly what you suggested and more, thanks to my unique genius ^_^ SephirothSpawn - even more genious than me - is taking care of the scripting part right now... it'll be submitted in his Test Bed in the near future... I hope :P



BlueScope;111540 said:
I developed the basic layout and the structure for the Map Object Manager script, for short MOM, which does exactly what you suggested and more, thanks to my unique genius ^_^ SephirothSpawn - even more genious than me - is taking care of the scripting part right now... it'll be submitted in his Test Bed in the near future... I hope :P

Oh, cool! =D, I'm looking forward to it! ^^
Legal notice: RMXP doesn't support piracy, so please remove the screens with emulator saving marks on them. I hope for your soul you bought that game, as it's fricking awesome and more than thrice worth the money! ;)

@Topic: My script design includes only arrow, hookshot, and sword, but you might get Seph to do the other stuff... anyway, I wouldn't say it makes sense to get started on another map object script if you know Seph will surpass it anyways :P

EDIT: Board notice: Please use the edit button to prevent double posting... ^_^ (someone finally make me Moderator Of The Month! XD j/k)

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