Firstly, these are adorable. :#
I always sorta feel like I gotta get that out of the way when I see little stuff like this. Can't help it, it's the female condition.
Anyway, this is quite different and very interesting.
Without doing a huge schpiel, I have a few notes on the girls, however.
The front views are great, but it wouldn't hurt to add the outline at the knees. I realize that might make the legs look less shapely but without the outline they look too skeletal/incomplete.
Secondly, the sideviews sorta look like the chicks are drunk. They're standing erect but their stomachs are thrust forward awkwardly, like they're trying to stand up straight but are too wobbly to hold still. The one in the parka (Jennifer) sorta looks pregnant because of this, or else she ate a few too many pies :p.
Thirdly they all have front views where the legs bend at the knee, but in the side views they're straight-legged the whole time.
With realistic templates you sorta have to compensate for all their joints, which you don't have to fret over as much with cartoony/anime-ish templates, like the RTP. I'd recommend adding more frames and use a script which enables you to have more frames in an animation. Yeah, I know, it's more work, but without that they kinda look like they all have invisible splints attached to their knees so they can't bend them.
Anyway that was more of a schpiel than I wanted to give, so I'll end it there.
Nice work, though. Everyone's gotta know by now I have notes on everything. It's par for the course with me ':|