Instead of scripting, and I await the group groan at this... but you CAN create a different charset for your character's seperate clothes choices or disguises, and create items that are non-consumeable, with a specific icon, that call on a common event that changes your actor graphic to that graphic instead.
I also included a demo (my first tutorial demo in this method, it's a n00b method, but then again, so am I)
Clothes Outfit Demo 0.1 by Lethal Visions
Then, if you want to have different outfits for say each actor, you can easily create a different icon for the other actors, and create new costumes for them, possibly even something as minor as adjusting the hue of characters ON screen, (if you REALLY wanted to go into all that) but, if you're dealing with like 10-15 outfits, this should work fine, and with VERY little lag.
EDIT 1: (and this takes no real scripting, just events)
EDIT 2: Oops, sorry RedDawn, didn't see your answer, and well, your answer was my answer, I too thought that the Common Event Script and Item usage was the way to go...