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Looking for some emoticons ...


Awesome Bro


I've had a blog site for a while now and i update pretty damn frequently. But when it comes to getting my emotions accross, there's no better way than a little round face, is there?

That's what I'm looking for :)

I've tried myself, But I want something on my site that i DIDN'T make!

Basically I'm after a 15x15px emoticon with the following poses:

1. Happy :)
2. Extatic :D
3. Sad :(
4. Crying ;-;
5. Confused :S
6. Serious :|
7. Shocked :O or o.o
8. Sarcastic or Trickster language :P

The style is entirely upto you. I'd prefer the colours to be the usual yellow, but I'd love to see what anybody comes up with. Post all your work openly in this topic so I can see what you're doing.

Any help would be great! And you will get a full mention in my next update AND the static credits.


http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315 ... nhappy.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/emoticonsad.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/emoticonveryhappy.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/emoticonconfuse.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/emoticoncry.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/emoticonsarcasm.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/emoticonserious.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/emoticonshocked.png[/IMG]http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s315/greensoft/emoticonshock.png[/IMG]

i quickly threw these together, I could do some for you if you want.. or anyone else could use these as just another example.


Awesome Bro

@green raven - They're fantastic :D Definately going to be used on my site. I can't thank you enough!

@InvisibleDrifter - Those are excellent pieces of work! And the effort placed in them is more than i expected. I'm a little confused about a couple, though. The second one in; is that blood coming from his mouth?

They are absolutely amazing, though. I'll be sure to send you both a sample of them in use asap!

Thank you!

Sixty: Use 'em if you like man :)

$t3v0: Haha yeah that's blood coming out of his mouth and the other is crying blood lol, it was easy to make these, hope they are of use to you and others :)

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