Ace of Spades
I have been creating an original ABS for a game I am creating. For all the projectiles in my game, I have been using a "Service_Event" script. What this script does is it takes an event from one map, and replicates the same event on the current map. I use this to have a single map with all the projectile events that can be generated at will.
Everything has been working perfectly, except for a bug I noticed. Whenever this script generates an event, all of the event graphics on the current map turn back to the default brightness, despite whatever screen tone is being used, and all the events on the map also appear in front of objects that would normally cover them, such as trees. I also noticed all of the event graphics go back to normal whenever you enter and back out of the menu, so I'm hoping this is something that isn't too difficult to fix. If anyone could help I'd be so grateful!
Everything has been working perfectly, except for a bug I noticed. Whenever this script generates an event, all of the event graphics on the current map turn back to the default brightness, despite whatever screen tone is being used, and all the events on the map also appear in front of objects that would normally cover them, such as trees. I also noticed all of the event graphics go back to normal whenever you enter and back out of the menu, so I'm hoping this is something that isn't too difficult to fix. If anyone could help I'd be so grateful!
# ** Service_Event
# 24/03/08 - MGCaladtogel
class Service_Event
# * copy_event : copies a Game_Event from one map to the current map
# map_id : source map's id
# event_id : source event's id
# x : new event's x-coordinate (facultative)
# y : new event's y-coordinate (facultative)
def self.copy_event(map_id, event_id, x=nil, y=nil)
# loads the source map and the event
map = load_data(sprintf("Data/Map%03d.rxdata", map_id))
event =[event_id]
# alters default coordinates
if x != nil
event.x = x
event.y = y
# finds a unused id
new_event_id = $[$ - 1] + 1 = new_event_id
# instanciates a new Game_Event from the loaded event
new_event =$game_map.map_id, event)
# adds the event to the current map
$[new_event_id] = new_event
#Ace ABS Edits
$game_self_switches[[$game_map.map_id, new_event_id, 'A']] = false
$game_self_switches[[$game_map.map_id, new_event_id, 'B']] = false
$game_self_switches[[$game_map.map_id, new_event_id, 'C']] = false
$game_self_switches[[$game_map.map_id, new_event_id, 'D']] = false
$game_map.need_refresh = true
#End Edits
# clears and re-creates the spriteset's character_sprites to obtain a correct display
character_sprites = $scene.spriteset.character_sprites
for sprite in character_sprites
for i in $
sprite =, $[i])
character_sprites.push(, $game_player))
# ** Scene_Map
class Scene_Map
attr_accessor :spriteset
# ** Spriteset_Map
class Spriteset_Map
attr_accessor :character_sprites
attr_accessor :viewport1