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looking for a stand alone ATB script



hi, i've use the search feature but cannot find an ATB script that goes with the defaultBS, the ones i've found are ones that require other script etc... other script that i don't really need or have any use for...

basically i'm looking for a simple stand alone ATB script(with the time bar orcourse)that doesn't require any other script...
Its not that it gets ignored its just there aren't enough scripters to go around these days...

But well I'll was going to code an ATB addon for the battle system that I almost have completed, but it will also be a stand alone addon to the DBS



Trickster said:
But well I'll was going to code an ATB addon for the battle system that I almost have completed, but it will also be a stand alone addon to the DBS

that'd be nice, please notify me via PM or something. thank you very much.

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