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Looking for a Battle Menu



Well, to start off i'm looking for a battle menu for my RPG Maker XP project, Legacy of the Varia, that will feature a different battle menu (well, not that different really) than the normal Attack, Skill, Defend, and Item commands. I'll put the details in the spoilers.

http://img296.imageshack.us/img296/278/battlemenumaincv3.th.png[/img] This is a.. poorly made mock-up image i'm sorry to say, I had to use paint for this. The [Value] means Current HP / Maximum HP (Replace HP with AP for the lower [Value] label.) The [Status Effect] label I don't think you'd have to touch, as I am using SephirothSpawn's Scroll Status Display to display the current status effects on the character.

Then when you select a command, such as Mystic Arts... This would pop up.

[spoiler="Mock-Up Image, Mystic Arts]http://img409.imageshack.us/img409/7395/battlemenumysticartsgy1.th.png[/img] Again, I had to use paint for this. Sorry. Basically each Mystic Art acquired would begin at Rank 1, and once it reaches the 'Experience Required for Level' value, it would increase in Rank. If you need the Experience required for each rank... here they are.

Rank 1 to Rank 2: 15 Experience
Rank 2 to Rank 3: 30 Experience
Rank 3 to Rank 4: 45 Experience
Rank 4 to Rank 5: 60 Experience

Once the Mystic Art 'levels up' the current experience would start over at 0 again and move up from there. When it reaches Rank 5, I was thinking (if it's possible) for it to say "Mastered" inplace of the experience values.

Also, experience is gained through usage of the Mystic Art, each use grants one experience point for the Mystic Art used.

If it would be possible, I would enjoy it if the AP values would be left so I could customize them for each skill, seeing as it would take up way too much space to post every AP value for the skills for all of the characters.

If there's anything else you'd like to know about this, please ask.[/spoiler]

But if they picked the Ancient Arts command...

[spoiler="Mock-Up Image, Ancient Arts]http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/707/battlemenuancientartsuc5.th.png[/img]
Sorry for the poor mock-up, but it's the best I can do with Paint.

Ancient Arts are basically beefed up Mystic Arts that use charges rather than AP. The Ancient Arts require 5 charges to be used, and when they have all five charges the next column over would state if it's charged or not.

The Gray Square/Rectangle (Sorry about that ':| ) is basically another option you can choose. If you choose that option ("Charge") it will increase the corresponding Ancient Art's charge value by one out of five, if it's already at five it would be grayed out.

If you have any questions about this, please ask.[/spoiler]

Well... Those three mock ups just about cover everything I have to say. The Inventory command is just another name for the Item command, so if you don't want to mess with that you don't have to.

Compatability Scripts
Scroll Status Display by SephirothSpawn
The SDK, Version 1.5

and... if you require me to list ALL of the scripts i'm using, please tell me so I can grab the list of the scripts i'm using. Those are the only ones i'm using that really effect combat though.

Thank you for viewing

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