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Longer arrays(Idea for Trickster or SephirothSpawn)

Well, Trickster and SephirothSpawn, while I was posting in the support abilities topic, I realized that adding longer arrays could be possible with your way of scripting. Like the way you added abilities.rxdata and battlecommands.rxdata in the Advanced Battle Commands and Support Abilities scripts.

If you were to make an items2.rxdata, skills2.rxdata, etc. you could make an unlimited amount of skills, items, weapons, and armors, maybe even more. I've really been wanting to go over the 999 limit for all of these, and I think by adding new files that continue the arrays could make this very possible, with the parameters being the variance, attack power, common event id, animations ids, element ids, etc.

There might be a reason this wouldn't work, but I just thought of it while posting in the support abilities script topic.
Well the problem with that is that

1) Bigger arrays may mean less efficient and more data to hold in memory, The table class was created because of some places in the RMXP data structure where alot of Integers are to be stored (for example the tilesets is one place)

2) Unless you edit the Interpreter class to be able to use the new data by using a switch to tell it we are referencing stuff > 999 then you will not be able to edit it

Try Yeyinde's data encrypter / decrypter

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