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Lone Wolf Character

This is for a new game project Ive started called Lone Wolf - Flight from the Dark. This is the main character, a Kai Lord, kind of a cross between a ranger, a monk and a knight. This is very early stages yet,just a prelim on the shape of the cape. Im kinda stuck on how to shape the hood and on overall shading with cloaks. At the mo its just blocked out, but even that is a bit rough. I have never worked with sprites so big so bear with me. :D Comments & Crit would help loads.

Updated Fixed the hood a bit, added hair and vest. (Cape Shading still prelim) The shading on the vest could be a little wierd. I have been staring at this screen all day, and my eyes are bleeding a little bit O_o Ive left the original in for comparison.

http://img388.imageshack.us/img388/7548/lonewolfly7.png[/IMG] http://img169.imageshack.us/img169/8861/lonewolfby8.png[/IMG]
its really hard to tell with just a cape.
but the hood looks very flat, like painted onto his head, try to bulk it up a bit, hoods usually stick out a bit and dont rest perfectly on your head.
apart from that, the shading and actual cape design look pretty good, id say this should turn out to be a nice sprite.
Ya know what kinda bothers me about Johnny sprites? His muscles look way too cut, and his eyes look like they're going in different directions.

But good revision on the robin hood cloak thingy. It only has like 4 colors but it's attractive all the same :')
Wow, you really improved that sprite then, the hood looks a lot better and a lot more realistic.
and the robes look amazing, the colours compliment each other very well.

great job!
Hoho, Lone Wolf never struck me as being very muscular in the books (certainly not enough to justify the Johnny template), as most Kai lord disciplines were mental or survival related.

He ~might~ look this well toned after he's in the grand master series or something and had the years of battling the darklands behind him (not to mention the lorestones and the sommerswerd), but in Flight From the Dark, he's just a teenager from a monastic order who survives their genocide.

But enough ranting. The Kai Cloak looks alright; and I like the tunic. Though he need leggings/stockings.
aha!, finally someone else who has actually read lone wolf. I know he is just a teenager in FFTD, but I chose the johnny temp for its uniqueness, not its muscular build. I will try to tone down his muscles a bit, make him kinda scrawny, if that will help. I am just about to start on the leggings and boots. I might make them brown/tan, because Im not sure about an entirely green character (even though the kai lord do actually wear all green). And I am going to shade under his hair too (thanks for reminding me :D)

Would you be interested in lending some critique and advice to the project? I would like to be able to bounce ideas off someone who has a bit of knowledge in Lone Wolf. Just on things like the storyline path & plot elements.
he reminds me of robin hood and green arrow mixed. This looks like a pretty cool project aswell, he has the whole tin tin thing going on...

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