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LoM Golems

Has anyone ever played LoM (Legend of Mana)? I think the Golem idea was very original. It basically goes like this- You put weapons/armor etc. into a thing called a "Lifesphere". I think that's what it's called, but that's behind the point. To determine it's actions, you create something called an "action grid". It would take a hardcore LoM fan to create an good replica (not to mention a new CBS), so i guess you could manipulate it into whatever. You put in weapons/armor etc. into a "magic pot", but would rather just have a Script/Comment activate it.
When they are combined, they make a "logic block". These are used to make it do actions (shoot beams, missiles, grenades and other stuff). Simply put, you could just make it so that that the golem character has a limited amount of skills. If it would be possible to setup an AI character like you do with enemies in the DB by scripting and/or items, then it may be possible to setup a golem with a makeshift action grid (without the grid part). Anyway, if someone cold go on gamefaqs and study it... Well, it was just an original (sorta) thought. Could someone please kinda, just.. check into it? :thumbsup02:

By the way, this my first request. Well, actually my first post..... So I'm sorry if I made a mistake.':|

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