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Logos for Game

I don't have much to say, but...

I like the style! The style where it's simple looking, but attention is given to detail. For sure my favorite style of art for logos and such, which is why it was necessary for me to reply.

Edit: I feel I've jipped you for not giving any helpful criticism. So... on a second look, I think the top pic would be better if the gradient/cloud effect was removed from the foreground bleeding-heart design. In my opinion, it would look nicer if that design was a filled color.
That's an incredibly busy looking log there. The text is nice and fancy, but barely legible, especially with that weird heart thing taking up so much space. I kinda see what you were going for, but that's not the most memorable of logo there. That heart thing is just entirely too busy as far as I'm concerned; it makes your eyes travel in all sorts of swishy directions like a rollercoaster, and that kinda turns me off. It also distracts from the text, which is not a good thing. The upper part of the heart portion could be kept with its wing-like embellishments, but that bottom flourish has got to go, as well as the faded section of lines. The whole thing is sorta muddled.
The scythe is a bit tacky; its faded edge clashes with the clean cut lines of the rest of the logo and the blood just doesn't seem to belong.
I'm not exactly an expert on logo design by any stretch of the imagination, however, so make of my critique what you will.
I don't like the first one much at all, but the second one looks really cool. But as Black Market said, it really distracts from the text.

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